Nightmare 😱

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Normal=not dream


when i was either 3 or 4 years old, i was obsessed with the show "the three little pigs" on Netflix. i watched it EVERY. SINGLE. FLIPPIN'. DAY. and as a result, i had nightmares. these nightmares were exactly the same. and they lasted for a week. they went like this:

i would be outside,about to get in the car to go to school,when i would look down the driveway,and there,was the big bad wolf. he would be hiding behind a tree, watching me,and grinning his evil,creepy,grin.

usually that was when i woke up, crying,but sometimes the dream went on to where he was coming out from behind the tree and started running towards me. that was as far as the dream would go before i woke up. those nightmares have stayed with me since then.


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