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[All art isn't mine unless said so.]

[The cover art for this chapter I did make]        

Moving is always a difficult task to do but for me to grow I have to do this even if I'm away from my childhood home.

"Do you have everything darling?" Mom asks as she watches me pack worriedly. I give her a thumbs-up as I double-check all my belongings.

"You have enough money?"


"All your clothes?"

"Yes, mother I have them all."

"Oh don't forget mister Kuri!" She exclaims while shoving the little cream-colored mink onto my hand

"Mom I'm not sure if I can bring him," I say as I held him carefully in my hand.

"Well, I just don't want you to be there all by your lonesome alright? Also, he brings enough trouble as it is," She says eyeing the little mink.

I merely chuckle as I help him onto my shoulders. "Fine, I'll bring him with me. I'm already guessing you placed his stuff somewhere in my luggage." She chuckles at my response as she looks at me worriedly.

"Are you sure you'll be able to do this by yourself?" She says as she holds my hand while tracing a finger over the device on my wrist.

I look at her worried face and nod, "I know what I'm doing may seem out of place but I really want to go explore the worlds rather than just reading it in a book and I think starting over in Middleburg would be a great place to start! I already even got a job there at a school so please believe in me that I could do this?" I pleaded with her as I held her hands. She looks at me with a sad look then hugs me close to her.

"Promise you'll be safe? As well as contacting us every chance that you get so we can check up on you?" She asks as I hear her sniffling into my shoulder.

"I promise." I let go of her and see her wipe away her tears, "Say goodbye to Nikolai and dad for me?"

She nods as she continues wiping the tears out of her face.

I proceed to pack out and grab two of the last suitcases I needed to head on out. As I walk out I take a deep breath and take one last look at my house and see mom waving goodbye to me from the window. I smile as I drop one of the suitcases and wave back. As I do so I feel Kuri nuzzling my face. "Come on let's go, boy. Also, I don't want you to stir up trouble while we're there you got that?" I say petting him while he purrs in response. I grab the dropped suitcase and head to my new home.

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