Ch. 1 | First Days are always rough

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[All art isn't mine unless said so.]

[The cover art for this chapter I did make]


I take a nervous deep breath in as I fiddle with my hands on the desk. It's the first official day here in my new job and boy do I have the jitters. I don't even have a class yet to teach and already I'm on my toes in excitement and fear. I hear the door open and I see my boss come in with a gift basket, "Well hello there miss Alto! How are you on this fine first day of school?" He says dropping the gift basket in front of my desk. I sigh and look down at my hands then to him, "Yeah perfectly fine just the first day jitters that are really getting to me."

"Well don't you worry these kids are nice and if you have any trouble you can just knock over to your classmate buddy for any assistance if you need any!"

I look at him quizzingly, "Classmate buddy?"

He nods, "Yeah! The teacher who also teaches an extracurricular right across from your class! Don't worry, he may be quite rude and condescending, and judgy but I'm sure Rippen will help you if you ask!"

I stand up a bit from my seat at tilt forward to see through the windows of the doors to see the class in front of me and sure enough, I see a familiar face looking sourly at a clipboard in hand. I grimace remembering the first time I met him which was actually a couple of hours ago.

*A couple of hours ago*

I close the door to my car and take a nervous deep breath in. Middleburg Central High, my new life and career will all start here. As I walk up to the school I notice a man with pale green skin walking towards it as well with a case in hand.

Oh! He must be a teacher here as well. I hurriedly walk up to him wanting to make a good first impression on my peers.

"Hi, there! Do you happen to work here as well?"

He looks at me and grumbles, "Yes."

"Well, I'm happy to work with you! Helping teach and shape the young minds of tomorrow! I'm Melody Alto and I'll be the new music teacher here. " I stand a bit in front of him and hold my hand out to shake, "May I ask what your name may be?"

He looks at my hand then back at me. "Look here miss Alto I have no ambition to be here or be acquainted with the likes of you. Now if I may I will be taking my leave from this dreadful conversation and head on to do my job. "He huffs as he slaps my hand away and proceeds to head on inside right before the sprinklers turn on and end up soaking him.

I huff and grab my umbrella in my bag and unfurl it as I walk past said sprinklers and watch him angrily walk inside soaking wet, "Well he didn't have to be so rude about it..." I mumble entering inside.

"Flashback End*

"Yeah... Maybe I'll ask someday." I reply as I sit back down in my seat.

"Well, I'm off to greet the students now! I hope you have a great first day and get rid of those jitters!" He waves as he leaves my classroom. I wave goodbye back and sigh as I lean back on my chair. I peep my eyes open and swivel my chair a bit so I can look out the door window again. I look through the other classroom and notice the art supplies in the other room.

So his name is Rippen eh? Dang, he got the job I wanted. Even taking one of the things I loved how cruel. I snicker at myself at the drama of my words. I notice him looking at the time and put on an apron to get ready for his class. Why am I still staring at this point? I notice him stop and I quickly swivel my chair back before he catches me staring. I quickly try to shield my face with my hand pretending I did not just try to spy on this guy. I look at the time on my watch and quickly fix my posture. Well time to greet the students soon.

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