#1 , The roommate

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The sound rattled through her bones, shaking the bed and making the floorboards audibly creak.

"Could you turn that down, please?"

Kara Danvers, a 24 year old reporter,
shared an apartment with a family friend. This particular friend, however, was not as friendly as preconceived.


Kara sighed and flopped back down onto her bed, running one hand through her golden hair, the other rubbing her temple so as to calm her oncoming headache.

She felt an uncomfortable lump behind her back, and let her hand fall from her hair in order to search for the foreign object. Eventually, her fingers brushed the object and lifted it out from under her, and her eyes focused onto a half eaten apple, already browning from the prolonged exposure to air.

"EW, gross"

She flung the sickly sweet fruit across the room, where it landed in a pile of her room mates clothes.

The door flung open.

"Hi roomie! Just heard you fling that Apple across the room. You gonna pick that up?"

The woman stood at her door was stocky, not someone to be messed with. She had brunette, clearly unbrushed hair which fell to her waist, and had a thick layer of makeup covering her face. Kara thought she would look much better if she took off the makeup, but didn't dare to tell her, as last time she made suggestions she had ended up sleeping on the floor, her mattress ruined.

"Uh yeah sorry."

Kara made her way over to the Apple, almost tripping on a range of items that her room mate had carelessly strewn over the wooden floorboards. When she bent down, her roommate stood, smirking, hatching her next plan.

As Kara's fingertips reached the Apple, a thick black boot came stomping down, crushing the Apple , and spraying bits of the fruit all over Kara's clothes, face, and hair. Kara squealed and jammed her eyes shut so none of the mushed food would get into her eyes. Her roommate left the doorway, laughing mischievously with pure delight.

Kara opened her eyes again, wiping away the thick layer of mush that had settled on her face.  She lifted the destroyed fruit into the bin, and pulled off her shirt, leaving her stood in the middle of her room in jeans and her bra. She peeled off the rest of her Apple-ridden clothes and got into her shower. The steamy water running over her body, relaxing her tense muscles, and giving her some peace. She let the water weave through her hair, the stray pieces of apple falling down the plug hole, no longer her problem.

As she finished washing the sticky mush off of her body, she turned the shower off and stepped out of the cubicle, only to find her towel missing. She sighed deeply, and tried to shake off as much excess water as she could before stepping back into her room, cold and vulnerable. She made her way through the labyrinth of her roommates mess and pulled on some clothes from her wardrobe, before once again falling back onto her bed with a deep sigh.

This was not the worst thing that had happened. Kara had endured months of her insufferable roommate, and the constant abuse that came with her. She was mean, obnoxious and frustrating. Of course, this was not how she had always been. Kara reminisced back to their first meeting.

"Kara, meet Erin, she will be your roommate," Eliza, Kara's adoptive mother, said cheerily.

"Nice to meet you Kara" she said, shaking Kara's hand and flashing an attractive smile her way.

"It's nice to meet you too."

Upon first glance, Erin seemed to be well dressed and helpful, but there was something about her that Kara was wary of.

The apartment was originally Kara's, but she decided a roommate would be beneficial for both parties. Eliza recommended someone she knew, and within weeks she had moved in.

The first few days were fine, but things started to slip.

Little things at first, like not doing the dishes, and leaving things strewn around the apartment.

It quickly escalated, to Erin arriving home at 2am, frequently with a male companion, and always drunk off her head. These nights Kara was subjected to no sleep and a very scarred mind.

Erin began to get violent, often shouting at Kara while she cowered into the corner of the room, a scared puppy with no help.

Of course, Erin had never physically hurt her, but she had come close, and the mental abuse was more than enough for Kara.

Kara was brought back to the present by the front door crashing shut, followed by the dull moans of whatever guy her roommate had called over this time.

She sighed very audibly, and grabbed her phone and keys, before pulling on a jacket, and walking briskly past her roommate intertwined with a tall guy she recognised from the florists on the street nearby. She left the apartment, with one place in mind.

Her best friends, house.

Lena Luthor's house.

I've not written fanfiction in over a year, and so this could be messy. If you notice any mishaps or spelling problems please don't hesitate to point them out, I will not be offended.
Of course, as I described, I did not come up with this idea.
This idea was inspired by coffeeshib on twitter, and I will be continuing it from here (lots of interesting stuff to come hehe)

If you enjoyed this chapter and want more, follow me on twitter (sxperlxthor) and tell me what you think.
Thanks! 🥰
(950 words)

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