#3 , The Plan

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Both women were sat down on Lena's porcelain white couch.

They were sat moderately close, less than an arms reach away from each other.

"Have you slept, like at all?"

The CEO asked pointedly, concern filling her emerald green eyes.

"A little. It's just my roommate,"

The blonde reporter sighed, the days and nights of no sleep and constant torment clearly catching up with her.

"She comes home at stupid times in the morning, and she has continuous, loud intercourse in the middle of the day."

Kara finished, and picked up the glass of water Lena had got for her, taking a long gulp and then turning back to face her friend.

"She's that bad huh?"

Lena was worried about her best friend.

She knew she was at a breaking point, and Lena was going to do something about it.

She just didn't know what yet.

Kara nodded profusely.

"She's awful. She leaves a trail of mess in her wake wherever she goes and expects me to clean it up for her. She's disgusting, has no basic human cleanliness, and has a disregard for anyone but herself. Not to mention the torrent of homophobia and racism she spouts whenever she pleases."

The Reporter took a deep breath, clearly agitated and at the end of her wits.

Lena thought for a moment.

Homophobia. She could work with that.

Her brain moved a mile a minute.

"Do you want to do something about it?" She asked, looking towards the shaken woman sat next to her.

Kara furrowed her brows.

"Like what?"

"I'm not sure yet. Let's talk about it over dinner? I'll cook?" Lena asked.

"I couldn't possibly ask you to-" Kara started.

"It's fine, I want to," Lena interjected swiftly, and began to clear up the wrappers from the food Kara had brought round.

"Besides, you brought lunch, so I'll do dinner."

Kara smiled at her best friend.

"What would I do without you."

"Perish, probably."

They both laughed uncontrollably at the CEO's joke, Kara leaning in onto her friends shoulder.

Lena jumped a little, but softened into Kara's touch.

Kara didn't notice.


Alex's phone rang.

The tone was shrill and loud, and startled the older Danvers sister at first.

She picked up the phone and noticed her adopted sister's name pop up onto the screen.

She briefly smiled before pressing the green button to accept the call.

"Hey Kara what's up?" She asked.

"Alex, I need your help, please come to my apartment. As fast as you can."

Kara hung up the phone.

Alex went into panic mode, picking up her gun and barely pulling on her jacket before she left the house, the door slamming shut behind her.


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