One: A Friendship

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Today I proud to announce, I become a dad, I carry a cute little bundle of joy in my arms, I never expect this day I live in my life, but one girl came and changed my life, my heart of beats, everything she changed, I am so much happier person in these whole world…

“Nurse when I meet her”

Nurse- after an hour, she will be shift to room, then you can meet her…

He kiss on baby’s forehead & give baby to nurse, & nurse walks in baby's room, he smile and think of his past life..

3 years ago….

One scooty clash with bike, both riders on road with their helmets…

'How dare you’ and he stood up, side his scooty and went near bike Rider person and he wanted to fight with him but he found his opponent biker didn't respond, he touched him but, didn't respond, he wants to side his helmet but his stuck helmet locked by protect band of helmet..

'hi buddy, you ok’ & He jerks him but no response..

'Ohh shoot, he is unconscious’ & He side that bullet bike from his leg and stop taxi, pick him in his arm and way towards the hospital..

After 30 minutes, doctor came out from ward room..

Doctor- call her family..

A guy with confusing tone- her! I was admitted one boy, who clash his bike with me..

Doctor- you admitted, that is not a guy it's a girl..

He shock by the doctor's answer- what!

Doctor- yes, and that's her mobile, & doctor handover her mobile to him, doctor walks from there..

'What I do with these mobile’ and he press power button for unlock the mobile, but mobile asked pattern…

'Wow! What a day’ and he frustrated on himself…

His mobile ring, he pick up the call- yeah..

'Where are you Abhi, and where is my scooty’ a girl asked him..

Abhi scratched his forehead and said- I'm in the hospital, one bike clashed with scooty and that bike Rider lady in hospital, anything else you want asked..

Lady- what you hit my scooty, how dare you do that, where is my scooty now..

Abhi give the address to her and cut that call, & look from glass window to a girl, she still unconscious, her leg fracture, small scratches on arms & on head..

Abhi- Bike Rider, & he again press her mobile power button and on screen owner info show “attitude hai boss” he smile and wait for gain her conscious..

Doctor came & again asked to Abhi about her- you called her family..

Abhi forcefully smile & says- no..

Doctor- then why I give her mobile to you..

Abhi with irks tone- I am her family, thank you for given me her cell, can you please do your work, check her & tell me when she came in normal state..

Doctor glaring him & says- you are her husband…

Abhi give only look…

Doctor- she was 2 months pregnant, but in these accident, she lost, I mean she had a miscarriage..

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