Two: Betrayed

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A month done, & Abhi back to Mumbai..

At night after his done all work, he dialed Pragya's number first, but her cell being switched off..

Abhi bit confused & he talked with himself- switched off! Rider what happened to you buddy, I think she is upset, & he dialed Jay's number, but his cell also switched off..

Abhi blowing some air out from his mouth & says with himself- they both are together, I think, relax Abhi, tomorrow first you done your work, on evening directly go to Pragya's house & meet them, they both are really upset on you..

Next evening..

Abhi rang the bell of Arora house with smile, Sarla open the door, she found Abhi on door, Abhi give his best smile to her..

Abhi ask to Sarla with excitement- hi aunty, how are you..

Sarla reply him- I'm good beta, come in..

Abhi enter in the house, & he ask his next question- where is the Rider, last night I back, I called her but it's switched off, even I called her on morning, but same answer I found..

Sarla reply him, before he again ask another question- Pragya is in the hospital..

Abhi with concern tone- hospital! Is she fine?

Sarla- better you go there, & check out yourself..

Abhi without reply to Sarla, way towards the hospital with worry..

In the hospital, cabin of Disha..

Abhi ask to Disha with worried tone- what happened to Rider..

Disha reply him with sad tone- they met with an accident..

Abhi ask his another question with confusion- they? Who?

Disha- Pragya & Jay..

Abhi shock by Disha's answer- what! How! I hope both are are fine, right!

Disha stay silent for minute, & she says- jay is no more, Pragya is in dilemma..

Abhi take moment to came out from the shock, he ask another question to Disha with brim eyes- when these happened?

Disha- day before engagement, they both are went out, & on highway, they met with an accident..

A tear rolled down from Abhi's eye, he quickly clean up, & ask to Disha with chocked voice- can I meet to Rider..

Disha- you can but she is not responding to anyone..

Abhi only nodding his head & walks towards the room, where Pragya admitted..

He look Pragya once from the door window, she is only staring to ceiling, a IV tube attached on her one arm, he entered in the room, & seat on chair beside her bed, he look once Disha, who stood outside of room, he sighed her, that "he will handle her"..

Abhi open his mouth- hi Rider, how are you?

Pragya sense his voice, her ceiling stare break by his voice, she looks him, a long tear rolled down from her eye corner, she clutch the duvet in her fits..

Abhi again ask her with concern tone- you ok, Rider..

Pragya blink her eyes & she seat on bed with her all energy..

Abhi again ask her- you ok..

Pragya look him & give a tight slap on his cheek..

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