Last Three: Together Forever

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Abhi watching TV, his cell ring, he look the I'd, it shows Rajat, he pick the call..

Abhi- what happened..

Rajat- I forget to tell you important thing..

Abhi- what is it..

Rajat- on morning I informed you, about trainees..

Abhi- hmm, what about them..

Rajat- actually today one trainee will reached here..

Abhi- so as a CEO, behalf of company, I'll go to airport & received that trainee personally..

Rajat irks by his rude tone & he says- ugh! Listen to me fully first, bitter gourd, then start your lecture..

Abhi- hmm..

Rajat- good, one trainee will reached here today, but one problem is that, the trainee will share your apartment, with you..

Abhi- what! But why! We already arranged them our staff apartment, then what's the problem..

Pragya reached her destination, she checked the address once & she entered in..

Phone call continue..

Rajat- that's true, we arrange them a staff apartment but, one flat is not available, & you know the reason so well..

Abhi- oh god Rajat, proposed her man..

Rajat- we discuss these later, but please now welcome that trainee..

Abhi with bit attitude tone- I'm CEO damn, I'm boss of that trainee..

Rajat- I know you're boss, but please be little soft towards the trainees, otherwise they will think, you are arrogant, rude, egoistic & so on, & on..

Abhi with rude tone- bye, take care, & he cut the call before ask further details..

Abhi start to murmuring with himself- why all troubles in my life always, why not these Rajat gives me a peaceful life..

Door bell rings, Abhi called his servant & ordered him..

Abhi- look who's on door, if that management trainee, then show it guest room, & that management trainee will stay here for month, so make sure they be comfortable, ok..

Bob- ok sir..

Abhi- good, & open the door, check the letter of trainee, then show the guest room, after that send my dinner in my room, tomorrow morning, I'll go to office early..

Bob- ok sir..

Abhi walks towards in his room, Bob open the door..

Bob- yes..

Management trainee turn towards Bob, & showing the to address him..

Bob- this is the correct address, you have letter..

Management trainee- yes..

Bob look that letter & welcome in the house..

Management trainee wearing a black jeans with white t-shirt, on t-shirt, a checks red black shirt, Bob showing guest room to trainee..

Next day Abhi way towards the office, without asking, who was the person of management trainee..

On intercom..

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