Chapter 2

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On our way, I bumped into a wall, causing my books to fall

"Watch where you're going"

wait...walls don't talk

"That's because I'm not a wall honey"


shit, was I thinking out loud?

"Yes. Yes you were and you're still doing it"

when I looked up, it was none other than Noah Marin and his friend Cyrus who is also gay.

He picked up my phone off the floor before I did

"Ohhhh that's why you fell, you're one of the girls or are obsessed with my- I mean this book" he said smirking

"hey! I love this book" I looked up to see that it was Cyrus who spoke up.

" I do too" I heard Logan saying. I forgot to mention that Logan has a massive crush on Cyrus

I giggled

boy was Noah hot.

"It was nice talking to you but I have to go to class which I'm already late to" I said while glancing at my watch

"we'll walk you"

"Thanks, I appreciate it but I'm sure you have your own class to attend to"

I felt Crystal nudging me "ouch"

she whispered while trying to hold her laughter "They're in the same math class, stupid"

I immediately turned red

They all laughed while I walked ahead saving myself from more embarrassment

"wait" I turned to see Noah trying to catch up

he put his hands around my shoulder and said "Friends should wait for their other friends" I felt sparks but I ignored it, it was probably because I read too many stories on Wattpad

since when were we friends I thought to myself

"your brother is my bestie so that makes you my bestie, deal with it sister" Cyrus came and glared playfully earning a laugh from Logan and Noah

"seriously Charlie you have to learn how to keep your thoughts to yourself, and sorry but you're stuck with me after all you are my little sister" Alex said

"little sister my ass, you're only 3 minutes older than me"

"but I came out first so..HA"

we all ended up laughing at my brother's stupidity, I wonder how Crystal has a crush on him.

I suddenly heard the sound of heels and gulped

surprise surprise it was Andrea and her boyfriend Adam along with Lily also know as the bitches who made my years in school feel like hell

"Hey slut" came Andrea with her screechy voice

"Stop it will ya" Alex said

Adam joined "how about you not tell my girlfriend what to do and let her talk to that whore the way she wants to"

Alex was getting ready to tackle him but Noah beat him to it

"DON'T. CALL. HER. A. WHORE" he said after every punch

"what is going on here" we heard the voice of the supervisor behind us and quickly ran away leaving Adam on the floor with Andrea and Lily. Fortunately, she didn't recognize us from behind.

Once we got to class I went to Noah's seat and said "Thank you Noah but you didn't have to do that, I don't want you to get yourself in trouble"

"You're worth the trouble" he said with a wink

I blushed and went back to my own seat.

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