[2] morning.

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the rays of the sun hit akaashi's face. he was laying on the couch. not wanting to get up yet, he shifted a bit to the side, facing the tv. wait... why does the couch feel softer than last night?- oh.

it suddenly dawned on him that his head wasn't resting on the couch, but on bokuto's thighs. he layed there blankly for a few minutes.

currently, akaashi was using bokuto's thighs as a pillow and the couch as his bed, while the other was sleeping while sitting down. how uncomfortable that must be.

does he lay there until bokuto wakes up, or disturb him by geting up right now?

he panicked for a bit, but just decided to just stay where he was. it was very comfortable, and he figured that it wouldn't be weird since they're best friends after all.

looking up, he saw bokuto resting his head on his hand. he looked very peaceful, sleeping like a baby. platinum blonde locks with black streaks rested on his face. soft was the only way to describe how he looked.

wait- is it normal for a guy to think of his best friend like that? yeah...right?

for some reason akaashi has been thinking of bokuto in all these weird ways. such as calling him a cute baby, adorable, handsome, etc. of course, he never said that out loud.

while lost in his thoughts, bokuto had woken up to find akaashi staring at him.

the black haired boy's eyes widened. "o-oh good morning bokuto-san.." he muttered while looking away. as he sat up, bokuto also greeted him.

they both did their usual routines. while akaashi made coffee, the other boy brushed his teeth. he decided to let his hair down since he didn't have to go out today and felt lazy.


short chapter today. sorry about that sjdhsjd

i'll continue the chapter tomorrow though, so stay tuned 🥺✨

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