Hop x Reader ( fluff)

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( Requested by someone who doesn't have this app , but wants Hop )

( word count: 739 )


Being champion of Galar is tiering! So many battles , Dynamax Pokémon , the battle tower , and just the craziness of life it's self!
"Uggh!" You groan , rubbing the back of your neck ," Another Dynamax den! Of all the days , it chose to happen on my day off!"
You tiredly crawl out of bed , and put on your favorite outfit.
You got a text from Raihan.
"Sorry about the Dynamax Pokémon! I used to do this for Leon , so , I'll take care of it! I know he wants to be an uncle soon!"
You blushed hard at that thought
"Really?" You text back
"Yes really! Go see Hop! It's been ages!"
You blush and run out the door of your house in Wyndon.
A Sky Taxi arrives soon enough to take you see your rival


About thirty minutes later you arrive, sneaking into the lab.
Sonia gives you a knowing smile , and leaves you to go scare your childhood friend.
"AHHH!! Y/N!!!!"
He gave you a big warm hug , with the biggest smile , almost dropping his coffee and papers.
"I'm so glad to see you!" He said , letting go so you can breath.
He was a lot taller than he was in the gym challenge, but still had that innocent smile of his.
"I-I came to drop by , a-and see you." You said , blushing.
He blushed as well ," M-me?!"
"W-we use to be rivals!" You said , making an excuse
"That's true....."
"Just kiss already!" Sonia teased
"W-what?!" You squeak in embarrassment
"Just go already! You don't want to spend your day off in a lab , silly!"
Sonia pushed you two out of the door.
"I'm starving!" Hop said ," Do you want to go to Hammerlocke and get something to eat with me?"
'Anything to spend time with Hop! Being champion is time filling!'
Hop calls a Sky Taxi for the both of you and arrive at Hammerlocke in no time
"Look!" Hop excitedly said ," there's a new restaurant! Sonia said it's good! Let's try it out!"
You two walked into the restaurant, smiles on both of your faces.
You sat down at your table.
"I'll probably just get a hamburger." Hop said , sipping his soda
'He's like a man child. A fun person , most definitely'
"I'll probably get one as well" You say
After you two ate and laughed together, you insisted that you payed , but Hop beat you to it , simply by saying "LOOK OVER THERE!" And gave the waiter his card.
"I don't see anything.... HOP! I WAS GOING TO PAY FOR IT!"
"Beat you to it Love!"
"Here's your card sir!" The waiter said
"T-thank you."
You walk out of the restaurant, neither of you wanting to go
"W-what would you like to do Y/n?" He asked
"I-I don't know."
"Seems like Galar's most shipped pair is actually coming together~!" A blonde boy teased
"B-Bede?!" You said in embarrassment
He smirked ," Seems like Opal will be teasing you two non stop , and ask for wedding and baby shower invitations."
"W-WHAT?!" Hop said , blushing hard.
"Oops! Did you already have them and not invite her! She'll not be happy with that news!" He teased ," well , you two better get a hotel , storms are coming."
The gray clouds were moving rather fast
"Next time , invite us to the sibling's shower." He teased , walking into the hotel.
Both you and Hop walked into the hotel lobby in silence, blushing uncontrollably.
"Hello!" The receptionist said
"Can we book two rooms please?" You calmly said , despite your raging blush.
"I'm sorry! Gym Leader Bede took a room , theres only one left!"
"W-we'll take it." Hop sheepishly said.
You two walked into your room.
It had one nice bed , that Hop immediately jumped onto.
"Soft!" He said , his voice muffled by the sheets.
You giggled softly, and sat by him.
Thunder crashed , and he immediately hugged you tightly.
"S-sorry!" He said , shaking ," I-I-I have a fear of thunder."
"I-it's okay."
You two spent the rest of the night huddled up under the comforter of the bed.
Hop kept making silly faces , making you giggle.
You two had an amazing day together, and you were glad that you could

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