Bede x Reader | A ROYAL PAIN IN THE-

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Requested by: N/A
AU: Royal
Gender: Female

(i kinda based the royal prince thing of off this absolute BANGER of a song)

(Y/n) (L/n), a normal daughter of a normal man who owned a normal bar in a very non-normal town.

What wasn't normal about the town, is the fact that it was extremely wealthy for one in it's time.

The year 1482, a very modern time indeed! The most prestigious Kings and Queens ruling the great land of Galar. Jousting, castles, and civilization! People knew that they were at the top of the top of their time period! This was modern day with all of the finest tools and trinkets that even the poor had!

No, (Y/n) didn't live in the poor, nearly run down Wedgehurst, or even the more hidden, tranquil lands like Slumbering Wield or Ballonlea, they lived in the most glorious city of all! Wyndon!

Now, each town had it's talk.
Postwik talked about rumors of heroes in the Wield, Hammerlocke spoke of possibilities of the Royal Son, Motostoke spread stories of their jealousy towards the ones who got the privilege to live in Wyndon, and it just goes on.

Back to (Y/n), who was currently busy serving some regulars at their table, tired from work.

"Hey there sweetheart!" Leon, one of the regular knights called,"I need a beer!"

(Y/n) nodded, blushing a bit as the attractive man and the rest of his lightly drunken friends a refill.

"Papa!" (Y/n) said, calling her father over,"We need 4 refills for Lee's table!"

"I'm on it kiddo!" Your father said, grabbing 4 more beers that were already filled earlier, predicting that the boys would want some more.

"Ya know (Y/n)," Your father said, pausing for a second,"Ever since your mother died, the bar's never been the same. It's been a year, and I still miss her with all my heart....but.....I want you to know somethin'."

"Yes Papa?"

"I want you to marry for love, not for and your mother married for love. Her father wanted money, and power, so she was close to actually marrying King Rose when he was still a prince..."


"Yes", He laughed," She was the kindest woman in the world, because she chose a waiter with matted up hair and dirt stained pants over a future king....always be kind (Y/n)."

"I will...but what's this gotta do with Leon, Raihan, Gordie, and Milo's drinks?"

"It doesn't." He replied,"Prince Bede is.....holding a competition in town's square tomorrow, for....candidates..."

"Candidates for what? What are you exactly proposing here Papa?"

"Candidates.....for a bride. The two neighboring kingdoms, the Crown Tundra and the Isle of Armor don't have worthy royalties up to par. So, King Rose and Queen Oleana are seeing if the children of age 16 of Wyndon. Since the prince's coronation is going to be next month.....he needs a worthy queen."

"What a-are you getting at Pops?"

"*sigh* I'm saying when you enter that contest, make sure you're gonna marry him for love..."


"Well, you're already 16 (Y/n), and it's not like the prince isn't literally worshiped by kids around your age. Besides, it's 1482, you could be considered an old maid if you don't get a husband soon!"

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