Chapter 5

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A loud hustling of woolen cloth startled the embracing beings and they were repelled from one another in a violent jerk.

"Here, here. There is nothing wrong with a display of emotions." Tanya said before entering the room and dropping a bundle of silk sheets upon the bed. "I shall fashion a cloak from such an excellent cloth while the two of you rehearse that pretty little song of yours once more before the ceremony." Tanya sat down on the edge of the bed in the most ungraceful manner and began to unpack her tools from her pouch.

"Are you ready?" Master Robert straightened his arched back and began to set the tempo for the melodic piece that Proserpina was to perform that evening. She herself had composed it months before whilst venturing into the deep well of memories inside her , and Master Robert had heard it when walking by her practice room.

A sweet melody began to drift ever so softly through the room and the trio was oblivious to the dark figure carefully gazing at them in the midst of the sunlight and breeze coming from the window. As Proserpina approached the last measure a jolt of fear flowed through her and her voice caught in her throat.

"What's wrong pro-" Master Robert took a step towards the frightened girl and immediately regretted it. Being in a vulnerable state, Proserpina closed her mind off and began to tremble as she had never done before and sank to the floor.

"Stop, leave me be. I don't want you!" She raised her hands to her ears and let the tears carve a path down her cheeks.

Master Robert began to take a step back as a look of hurt painted itself on his face but Tanya grabbed a hold of his sleeve and urgently whispered. "She is not talking to you, I can sense a malevolent spirit in my presence."

He wondered how he could have been so daft and began to recite the incantation of protection over the ailing girl in front of him. After a couple of seconds the shaking stopped and Proserpina's head nodded out of consciousness. Master Robert rushed towards her and began hoisting her into his arms.

"Tanya I need you to bring cold water right away, I am moving her to another room." Tanya hustled out of the room with Robert at her heels. Down the corridor he went, making a turn into a familiar room.

"I am in my chambers!" He shouted to the maid. Almost immediately Tanya entered the room and Robert set the pale being in his arms in the midst of silk blankets and cushions. A cold piece of cloth was placed on Proserpina's forehead and water droplets squirmed down the bridge of her nose, mirroring the salty tears that had fallen moments before.

Master Robert commenced his familiar nervous pacing around the room and
the apprehension towards Proserpina's health gave way to apprehension towards the festival and the uncertainty of their attendance. Proserpina's grandmother had talked about the spirits that would follow and torment Proserpina as a young child and the escalation of their presence after the fatal tragedy. In the short span that she had spent with her, he had witnessed shudders and a tear here or there but never something like this.

A flutter between the sheets alerted him and he could see a frigid hand being lifted out of the shadows underneath the canopy. He almost tripped over himself in an attempt to come to her aid. A deep rumble surfaced from Proserpina's chest and a whisper emanated from her small

"He's ghastly cold."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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