It's Cold

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I stood in front of the door. I was reluctant to knock. Just the thought of Shayne and I alone in his apartment for a night was enough to make my nerves go crazy.

My apartment complex has a rodent problem and they're fixing it right now. They didn't want people to be there while it was going on, so I was forced to ask my friends for help tonight.

Olivia and Sam didn't have any room, Damien was gone for the weekend and Ian didn't have any room for me either. So, the only person left was Shayne.

The thing is, I've had a massive crush on him for a while now and haven't told him. So, just us being alone in his apartment together made me nervous.

I worked up the nerve to finally knock on the door. After a few minutes, I heard shuffling from behind the door and then it opened to reveal Shayne. He was wearing his floral Smosh hoodie and black sweatpants and his hair was a bit messy.

"Oh, hey, Court. Come on in," he moved out of the way and I walked in. It hasn't changed since the last time I've been here. "Uh, go ahead and make yourself at home. I'm cooking some dinner right now, have you had anything to eat yet?"

"Um, no," I said

"Alright, well if you would like some, I'm making some pasta. That okay?"

"Of course"

"Great. I'll be over here if you need something," he walked into his small little kitchen and continued to cook on the stove. I sat on his couch and pulled out my phone.

I waited there for a few more minutes and Shayne poked his head out of the kitchen.

"Oh, honey," he said jokingly, "Dinner's ready"

I laughed and joined him in the kitchen. He had two plates of food on the counter and was rooting through his fridge.

"I've got a big selection of drinks in here, you can help yourself to anything in there"


I grabbed a drink and joined him on the couch. We both had our plates set on the table in front of us.

"So, you wanna watch a movie?" Shayne asked holding the remote.

"Only if I get to pick," I said. "After all, I am the guest, aren't I?"

"Alright, fine," he handed me the remote and I smiled at him. He rolled his eyes and laughed.

I found a movie and we settled down to watch it. About an hour and a half later the movie ended. I was full, Shayne made some amazing pasta.

"I'll take your plate if you're done with it," he offered.

"Aren't you a gentleman?" I handed him my plate and he went into the kitchen. He came back out and stood behind the couch.

"So, since it's pretty late I guess we should get to sleep. If you want to you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep out on the couch"

"No, it's okay. I'll be fine out here"

"You sure? I mean, you are the guest"

"Yes I'm sure"

"Okay, I'll be right back," he walked into his room and came back with a pillow and a few blankets. "It's supposed get a little chilly tonight, so you have a selection of blankets you can choose from. Or you could just use all of them if it comes down to it"

"Thank you for letting me stay here, Shayne. I really appreciate it"

"Hey, no problem. I'm always willing to help," he handed me the pillow and I laid down on the couch. He took the biggest blanket and put it over me. "Are you good or do you need another blanket?"

"This is fine. Thank you"

"Alright. Goodnight, Court"


He set the other blankets down on the floor next to the couch and turned off the lights. I heard his bare feet lightly smack against the wood as he walked back into his room. He didn't close the door, so I heard him settle into the bed and the lamp click off.

I laid on the couch for a while that night. I couldn't seem to fall asleep. I started hearing a gentle patter on the window that grew a little stronger. It must be raining.

When Shayne said it would get a little chilly he was right. Even with the blankets I couldn't keep warm. I checked my phone and it was 2 am. I had been awake for that long. I slid off of the couch and stood up. I grabbed my phone and made my way back into Shayne's room.

I could see his figure on the bed in a strange position. It made me quietly laugh. I quietly made my way in and got into his bed on the side that he wasn't on. He wasn't using his covers because they were at the end of his bed, so I pulled them up and covered both of us.

"You know, if you were cold you could have just said so," Shayne's groggy voice startled me.

"Well, you were sleeping and I didn't want to disturb you," I said, "Sorry"

"No, it's okay," he turned around so that he was facing me. His hair was an even worse mess than before and it made me laugh. "What?"

"Oh my god, your hair," I put my hand in his hair and messed with it.

"I was sleeping, I don't have control over that," he batted my hand away which made me laugh more.

"Is it okay if I just sleep here with you tonight?"

"Yeah, if you want to that's fine with me"


He turned his body back around so that his back was to me and I laid on my back staring up at the ceiling.

"Still cold?" He asked not turning around

"A bit"

He turned himself back around and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me closer to him so that we were now pretty much cuddling.

"That better?"

"Yeah," I can definitely say my face was a lot warmer. This night at Shayne's ended up being better than I thought.

"Goodnight, Crotchney"

"Goodnight, Frog Boy"

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