Sara x Ranmaru

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This is like they all made it out of the death game and became friends

Sara's POV
As I walk into the movie theater I see my friends sitting in the loby waiting for me. I walk over to Joe, Nao, Reko, and Anzu, my skirt fluttering in the wind of the opening and closing door.

"Hey, Sara. Your late, the movies gonna start in like 10 minutes." Reko says as I make it over to the 4 of them.

"Sara, you have Ranmaru's number right? He won't pick up and none of us have seen him anywhere." Joe asks me as we start walking over to the concession stand.

"Wow, that's surprising, he usually picks up the phone. Get me pop corn, seven up, and snow caps (no one can change my mind, this is the best thing to get at a movie), here's the money for it. I'll go outside and call him." I say, handing Joe some money.

I walk outside and pull my phone out of my purse. I click on his contact and then get knocked over but I don't hit the ground.

"Oh my god Sara, I am so, so, sorry. For both knocking you over and showing up late, my parents kept asking if I was going on a date and my sist-" He started rambling.

"It's okay Ranmaru, and thanks for making it so I didn't crack my head open on the concrete." I say, cutting him off.

"Oh, was I rambling, I didn't mean to. Oh and saving you was no problem, I mean it would have been my fault if you got hurt anyway." He says, opening the door of the theater, letting me inside first.

"Yo, Ranmaru, you better hurry up on getting snacks, the movie is gonna start in a minute or two." Joe says as we walk through the door.

"By the way Joe you never said what movie we were seeing, I want to know what it is." Ranmaru said in a questioning tone.

Joe passed me my popcorn and other snacks and started walking back over to the concession stand to continue talking with Ranmaru. For some reason my eyes are stuck on the fluffy haired boy, that was until a hand waved in front of my face.

"Sara? What you lookin' at?" Anzu came up next to me and hugged me from behind.

"Oh... Nothing, I just spaced out for a second." I said, kinda embarrassed. Was I really starring at Ranmaru, and if I was why am I trying to hide it?

"Oh come on, I saw how he caught you outside, and he was totally blushing. You know he likes you, right?" Anzu said as we walked back over to Nao and Reko.


"Sara, are you okay? Your kinda starring at me." Ranmaru said, as he came back with his snacks. Why do I keep starring at him?

"Yeah, I'm okay, I just spaced out for a second there. So what movie are we watching." I asked trying not to be awkward.

"We're watching some horror movie, Joe said it should be scary but its probably not that bad." Seriously, Joe knows I can't watch any horror movie with out holding someone's hand. Is he trying to set me up with someone? Surely not. He can't know that I like Ranmaru, right?

"Sara? You look pail, are you okay?" Ranmaru questioned, picking my head up and looking me in the eyes. My face grew pink. "Sara, are you sick? Not being rude but you don't look so well." He placed a hand on my forehead.

"I'm fine Ranmaru, just, Joe knows I can't watch horror movies unless I'm with someone I trust and he said he and Anzu are gonna sit together (is it just me or would the totally be friends if they met) so I don't know who to sit with." I said, looking away from him.

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