Commands and Skills

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/hunt with . . .
Sends your cat on a hunting patrol. Can have up to 4 cats. Uses 1 energy.

/patrol with . . .
Sends your cat on a border patrol. Must have 4 cats to work. Uses 1 energy.

/forage with . . .
Sends your cat foraging for herbs. Only valid for medicine cats and their apprentices. Can have up to 4 cats. Uses 1 energy.

/train battleskill with . . .
The cat with the lower skill gets trained. Doesn't work if the cats have the same skill. Tag the other person to let them know you want to train. Both people must use the command. Uses 1 energy.

/train huntingskill with . . .

The cat with the lower skill gets trained. Doesn't work if the cats have the same skill. Tag the other person to let them know you want to train. Both people must use the command. Uses 1 energy.

/train foragingskill with . . .

The cat with the lower skill gets trained. Doesn't work if the cats have the same skill. Tag the other person to let them know you want to train. Both people must use the command. Uses 1 energy.

/train healingskill with . . .

The cat with the lower skill gets trained. Doesn't work if the cats have the same skill. Tag the other person to let them know you want to train. Both people must use the command. Uses 1 energy.

/heal . . .
Heals the cat mentioned with herbs based on the healing chart. Only valid for medicine cats and their apprentices. Uses 1 energy.

/breed with . . .
Breeds with the cat mentioned. The female with give birth two moons after this is used. Uses 1 energy.

/find kits . . .
For mates who cannot breed. The kits will be found the next moon. Uses 1 energy.

/defend against . . .
Defends the clan against enemies. Effectiveness and injuries depend on your cat's and the enemy's battleskill level. Only warriors and apprentices can use this command. Uses 1 energy.

Hides your cat from enemies during a battle. You cannot use another command after this is used. Uses 0 energy.

/don't eat
Puts your cat at the bottom of the eating list so they eat last that moon. Uses 0 energy.

/rankup to . . .
Ranks up your cat. Can only be used when kits or apprentices are at the right age. Uses 0 energy.

Makes your cat play. If kits play 4 times before they're apprenticed, they start with level 1 skills. Only kits and parents can use. Uses 1 energy.

/bond with . . .
Bonds your cat with another one. Uses 1 energy.

/become mates with . . .
Makes your cat become mates with another cat. Both cats must use this command. Uses 0 energy.

/journey to mooncrystal
Makes your cat travel to the Mooncrystal. Can only be used by medicine cats and their apprentices. You cannot use another command once this is used. Uses 0 energy.


Hunting Chart
Skill level 0: catches 0 prey
Skill level 1: catches 0-1 prey
Skill level 2: catches 0-2 prey
Skill level 3: catches 1-2 prey
Skill level 4: catches 1-3 prey
Skill level 5: catches 1-4 prey
Skill level 6: catches 2-4 prey
Skill level 7: catches 2-5 prey

Battle Chart
Skill level 0: score of 0
Skill level 1: score of 1-20
Skill level 2: score of 10-30
Skill level 3: score of 20-40
Skill level 4: score of 30-50
Skill level 5: score of 40-60
Skill level 6: score of 50-70
Skill level 7: score of 60-80

Foraging Chart
Skill level 0: forages 0 herbs
Skill level 1: forages 0-1 herbs
Skill level 2: forages 0-2 herbs
Skill level 3: forages 1-2 herbs
Skill level 4: forages 1-3 herbs
Skill level 5: forages 1-4 herbs
Skill level 6: forages 2-4 herbs
Skill level 7: forages 2-5 herbs

Healing Chart
Skill level 0: cannot heat
Skill level 1: can heal slightly injured and cough (uses 1 herb)
Skill level 2: can heal whitecough and hayfever (uses 3 herbs)
Skill level 3: can heal injured and colds (uses 4 herbs)
Skill level 4: can heal infections (uses 5 herbs)
Skill level 5: can heal severely injured (uses 7 herbs)
Skill level 6: can heal greencough (uses 10 herbs)
Skill level 7: can heal blackcough (uses 12 herbs)

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