Hit by a bus and dragged several miles West

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Gumball Watterson was not in the best of moods. His nemesis, Rob, had kidnapped and dragged him several miles from Elmore. He is currently walking back there, dried up like a prune.

His feet sizzled on the sand, which turned to black asphalt. The Blue cat was surprised as he didn't think there was anything this far out.

*BEEP*BEEP* "WHAT THE W-*BAM*" Gumball had barely anytime to react when a tour bus came barreling right into him. He thought that Dr. Wrecker, as he preferred to be called, had come back to hit him with a bus. "ROOOOOB!" He yelled. With no response. A stray gust of wind blew him sideways, to slide down the side of the bus, getting a good view of the passengers. They also got a good view of him as he slowly slide past each and every window. At some point he started loosing fur.

The busses rear came by, which Gumball got his hand wedged in the plates. It hurt. A lot. But he managed to keep himself from crying, as he was far to focused on screaming.

Several hours of this came and went, by which he swore his hand was now broken. It was, however, not blood deprived as he could feel something fiddling with his digits. Something wet and slimy and gross was put over his finger, and it was worked on and off. He replied by shooting a claw out. A wet and gooey substance stained his paw. He prayed it wasn't blood.

Gumball used his free hand to wipe off bugs from his face to get a better look at the gleaming city approaching from the dusking horizon. The bus went quickly into the sky scraper laden city. It was grandiose in every way imaginable. Especially when the lights turned on. The city shimmered with reds, yellows, pinks, blues, whites, greens, every color imaginable. The place also smelled like a dream. There were the scents of casseroles, pies, steaks, broccoli, cheese, lasagna, cake, stir fry, pizza, fries, burgers, and most shockingly, vegetables. They somehow made vegetables smell appetizing. There were the bad smells, but they were far over shadowed.

The bus slowed down to a halt in a bus lot. The doors opened and let people out, who noticed that Gumball was trying to pull his hand out. They were in awe as they have never seen something like him.

"Don't just stand there. Help me! I think my hand is broken." He shouted. Annoyed that they were video taping him. "Haha, yeah, I know you have to validate yourselves on the internet at this very second. But you could have a good feeling by GETTING ME OUT!" He pulled against, with no luck.

A person suddenly appeared on the other side of the window. Her skin was a dark brown and had an Afro on her head. She lowered the window quickly, which only increased Gumball's pain but did the trick.

Some of the people had gone on there way, but a few others stayed and helped him up. "I can stand on my own, thank you very much." Gumball wrenched himself out of there grasps. "Now can someone please tell me where I am?" The 12 year old Kitten inspected his hand. It was red, but not broken. There was some dried blood on his pointer finger. "Great. Blood is a pain to get out of my fur." He whispered to himself. Everyone else was just dumbfounded by him. "Yes, I am a talking blue cat. Get over it." He said.

"I-I... um... holy shit, people are never going to believe this." A random guy with obviously dyed blue hair said while typing something on his smart phone.

Gumball pinched the bridge of his nose and walked off from the people uploading his video. The African-American woman from earlier walked up behind him.

"What do you want?" Gumball asked.

"I'm sorry for how they acted. It's not every day you see... you." She gestured to himself.

"What do you mean? There's tons of people like me. You're the oddball." He pointed at her. "With your small face and dark skin."

"That's offensive." She said deadpanned. "Don't go around saying that."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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