Gun and Off used to be best friends in high school but when Off's girlfriend start𝘀 to get jealous of their relationship, things start to get messy.
The whole school goes uproar because of their leaked kissing picture and Off starts to avoid gun be...
"Hey Gun, so how was the shoot?" Josh asked me as we were heading towards the cafeteria.
"I think it was okay." I reply. with everything that happened 'okay' was the most normal word word I could describe with.
"I heard Off's girlfriend was also there. How was she? Was she pretty?" Rose asked giving me all sort of looks.
"Umm well....I guess". I say hesitantly.
"Someone is jealous." Josh started his usual doze of teasing Rose. "—I don't understand why these girls are obsessed with him.....when someone so handsome is right in-front of them."
"Who? Where?" Rose asked taking a glimpse around as we sat on our chairs.
"ME.....tada." Josh replied with the flower pose which made Rose almost throw her phone at him.
"Oh right....—I have a match today." Josh reminded us with his playful tone. "You guys are always welcome to watch."
"—No thanks...I have to practice for cheerleading." Rose declined. She has also started being conscious about her diet ever since she joined the football cheerleading squad and thanks to that, she and Josh have been seeing each other frequently sometimes making me feel like an outcast.
"Oh, I think we also have like a drama club meeting or something." I say in hurry in hopes of not disappointing Josh.
He let out a deep sigh making me feel relieved and somewhat guilty cause my drama club meeting is not so important but I am in no state to face Oab. At this point I feel like a coward already, neither can I directly reject his feelings especially after knowing all this time he was being sincere nor accept it because..... I just don't think I have feelings for him. But hey, at least I don't hate him. I wonder if things will ever be normal between us?
"Oh Hiii Gun! I didn't think I'd see you today." Ruby, the same friendly senior who spoke to me on my first day, greeted me as soon as I entered inside the drama club room.
"I...I just wanted to come."I lied obviously.
"Well the meeting is already finished and we have decided to do a Romeo and Juliet in today's world as our main project this time. What do you think?"
"sounds cool." I say nodding.
"The thing is we need to select the actors within this week and also finalise the script..... —it's going to be a headache." She looked at me with a bothered face. "And—" she raised her voice seeing as I was about to turn around, "You know there's only you in the club from the Art faculty right?"
"I didn't know." I reply in a poker face.
"Sooo........ you will be in-charge of the stage decorations. Is that all right??" She ended her sentence with a wide smile making me unable to say no to that cute face of hers so of course, I agreed.
Just imagining of doing all the decorations in the stage by myself is making me rethink about my decision of joining this club. I blame that stupid poster I curse in my head as I examine the poster again which is hanged in the middle of the stage in our room. This one is twice as big as the other one that I saw in the notice board.
"You like it?" A raspy voice behind me echoed in my ears making me startle. I turn around to see a new face; a very good looking guy, his hair is pulled so upward making me wonder if he did that to look tall but no doubt he's already tall. He's wearing glasses and surprisingly he looks so edgy and well..... handsome. I admit.
"Uh— ya." I reply.
"Tell me what do you like about it?" He asked as if there was a wrong and right question to it.
"Well...." I start trying to act cool. "The first thing that attracted me was the colours—yellow being my favourite and second, this picture of Bruno Mars. Why do you ask?"
"Bravo" he said as he clapped his hands. I can tell he's a very EX-tra person. "Ohhh you must be Gun, right?"
"Yes but how did you know?" I ask in shock.
"Oh boy, you are quite popular." He almost whispered in my ears. "and I can see why........cause you are sooo cute." He said as he pinched my cheeks. "by the way, I'm Lucas."
I smiled. He was so handsome I couldn't help. "But seriously, why did you ask about the poster?" I ask him again, "Could it be you're the one who made it?"
"Uhh Me???—No" he shrugged. "It is made by our one and only, the club president—Mr Off." He said proudly as he smirked behind me, towards someone. I turn around to see Off standing there carrying a box of what looks like costumes and looking at Lucas and then me.
How long was he standing exactly?
Did he hear our whole conversation?
I act as if I didn't see him and turn around.
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