Gun and Off used to be best friends in high school but when Off's girlfriend start𝘀 to get jealous of their relationship, things start to get messy.
The whole school goes uproar because of their leaked kissing picture and Off starts to avoid gun be...
"Do you still hate me?" I shot my first question at him, still unsure if he will agree to my childish appeal. I've never liked this game but right now, I want to clear every piece of misunderstanding and disputes left between us through however means necessary and the only method I see is this.
"I told you already. Yes in the past I did, not anymore." I sulked a little, still unsatisfied with the answer but happy that he was giving in to this game.
"It's my turn." He said with a faint glow in his eyes unable to hide his excitement.
"Why did you start to act so cold towards me? In school." I knew this was coming I mutter to myself.
"Because of the rumours." I answer wholeheartedly. he looks so calm as if he already knew the answer, like he just wanted a confirmation with my own voice.
"When I saved you that day from drowning, were you shocked?"
"Surprised....but I admit I was angry when you lashed out at me." If only you knew I was angry because I was scared. Scared of losing you.
"Did you feel sad when you found out I left school?" he ended his question with a face full of satisfaction and curiosity.
"I didn't believe at first but after a week I was worried so I went to your house but you already moved. Sad isn't enough to describe my emotions, I felt like my world was torn apart. "
"Liar." He mumbled but I didn't pay attention.
"Anyways, my turn." My heart is beating wildly as I'm thinking of this next question in my head. "Does Oab— ?? Is something........going on with you two?"
He gave me a very flustered look which is again making my imagination go crazy. I carefully read his lips trying to calculate the words coming out from his mouth but fail. He looked at me once again, confidentially took a bottle of beer and started drinking which almost made me gasp. WHAT? As he is drinking my mind is jumbled over the fact that he chose not to answer this stupid question, which again makes me ponder the possibilities of— "I hate when you make this face."
"What face?" I ask bluntly, shaking out of my imaginations.
"Ah forget it, next question."
"You like him?" My mouth asked subconsciously. When did this happen? Not to mention you once hated him. But wait...does this mean you like men? Really? Since when?
"It my turn." His half drunk voice snapped me back to reality as my eyes followed this tiny human in front of me who was starting to scratch his neck. "Why did you come here today?"
"Because I care about you." That came out so naturally but he shook his head in disapproval and kept on saying. "Liar."
"Stop calling me that."
"But you are."
"Do you really like Oab?" I ask in the most straightest face possible hoping he would answer seriously.
"Just why are you so curious about him? Go ask him yourself?" He said even gesturing towards the door.
I take a glass full of beer and start drinking. Exactly, why am I so curious about whoever the hell he likes. Why am I being so nosy? I hate myself.
"Why are you drinking so much?" He asked in surprise as I finished my glass in a shot.
"Okay....I always wanted to ask you this. Have you ever loved someone?" My eyes follow his innocent eyes looking so softly at mine as I think about what he just asked. Have I ever loved someone? Did I drink too much? Why can't I think of something? Anything? Am I even human if I've never loved someone?
"See? I knew it." He gave a sigh with his shaky voice.
"What about you? Have you?" I ask, my mind still nervously hinting the possibility of him saying yes I love Oab.
He tilted his head backward like he finally got rid of the weight that poured into it as he took out a deep breath. I could tell he was already drunk and about to pass out. I secretly thank my drinking tolerance since I'm a heavy drinker that I'm getting to witness this beautiful scene of this young man yawning and stretching as he losses hold of his body. I quickly hold him but not too tight as if I'm afraid of hurting him.
As I'm holding him, I forget all the things that happened earlier and focus on his face, his beautiful face. Has he always been so pretty? Just as I'm not even done exploring his face, I get drawn towards his lips. Maybe because I'm drunk but his lips look so intoxicating, so lustful, so alluring that I find myself gravitating towards it. I can't imagine what would happen if I—
Fuck. I must be out of my mind. Why did I even think of that?
I hit my head twice to escape my thoughts as I lift him slowly in bridal style. He is not heavy at all but I twitch a little fighting the effect of the beer which I drank earlier. I put him on the bed carefully and see him cuddle with the sheets as my heart only gets softer and softer with every move he makes. I throw myself on the bed as I'm too tired myself and turn my head towards him.
I smile a very faint smile as I touch his smooth silky hair and caress it cautiously. I feel happy and content. I don't know about the past and I'm unsure about the future but as of now there's one think I can say; I want to protect him at all cost and give him all the happiness he deserves.
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