R Chapter 4: Shooting People with Plastic

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(A/N: Alright so frequently I have been running out of ideas and I got 4 stories that I made that I should probably update but due to my chronic laziness and lack of ideas no updates have been pumped out. So uhh, I'm basically stealing ideas from YouTube videos. And gee I wonder what I was watching to base this chapter off of Air Soft, I'm also changing text style because yes. The video has nothing to do with the story, I was just listening to it while writing this and its a bopper)

"Alright, freaking nice, first break!" I announce into the dorm room, "What to do next." I then ask slightly quieter.

"Well first off tone down on the excitement bud," Says none other than the psychopath himself "And to answer your question, I found an airsoft field when we were driving to the dorm" Good idea.. I think to myself

"Hey I got an idea, what if we got to an airsoft field? I saw one when I was driving here" "Frick you (Y/N)." He says "That was my idea, FIEND!"

"Nahhh I thought of it first Michael" I say with confidence "Alright anyways, you guys wanna go?" After asking I get nods of approval all around "So, where is the field Michael?"


So it just came to mind that we DON'T have any airsoft gear, but lucky for us (Plot convenience) the field has rentals. We are all allowed to pick out a primary and a secondary, with Michael's loading consisting of an AK-47 and a Glock 17, Me with a SSG24 and an SSX-23, Lily with a M19 and a M1911, Hartmen with a CYMA M870 Tri-Shot Shotgun and an Uzi, and finally Maya with an Ares Ameoba 013 (Honey Badger) and the same secondary as Lily, a M1911.

Seeing as I have an advantage with my little cat ears and advanced awareness, I thought a sniper class would make sense.

"Alright you all ready?" The referee (ref) announce, with it came a loud wave of agreement "Alright, raise your hand if you DON'T know the rules!" My friend group raises their hands, along with about 4 others in the group of 50 "Alright, you nine, come with me, everyone else, head to your bases." (Feel free to skip if you know the rules, this is an outside field)

As the teams of 25 and 16 (our team) head to our sides, we head toward the middle of the field where the ref begins explaining the rules

"Alright so I'll keep this brief so you can all get in the fight and so we don't keep the other players waiting." He states "Okay so first things first, when you get hit, you shout out 'Hit' and raise your left or right hand. Your are not allowed to shoot or call a hit, or you may be asked to leave the game. Once you call 'hit' you return to base, get on the red pad inside, then you respawn. You cannot camp the enemy spawn. Next, no full auto in buildings, for that is mainly for close quarter combat, however if your primary can do semi-automatic, it is allowed. When you hear the whistle, you are to all holster and or toggle the safety trigger on your weapons. Worst case scenario, the 'Blind man' call and my two sharp whistle blows, hope and pray that these don't happen (place your bets on what's gonna happen)." he lists, as we wait in anticipation for the rush of a 'fire fight' and what he's about to say next "The blind man call states that you have been severely injured, we are talking like large amounts of blood loss, fractured, dislocated, or broken bones, or anything that you feel is severe. If you find yourself in one of the many categories, you are to shout 'Blind Man', if you hear this call, you are all to put your weapons on safety, holster them, and stay in place until I give you all the signal that you can resume. Finally, the two sharp whistle blows. Once you hear that, that is all your gonna hear from me. Once you hear those sounds, you are to get off the field and take shelter. That signals a possible life threatening cause, such as active shooters, wild fires, and many other things. I hope you nine don't have to encounter those two possibilities." He finally finishes and dismisses us to the 'Red' team. Blu vs Red, sounds extremely familiar. . .

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