L Chapter 6: A Rip-Off SCP Foundation and an Escape Plan

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So I've been taken to a rip-off SCP-Facility with multiple test rooms and sadly, no SCP's. I was shoved into this rip-off D-Class holding cell and was told to live and make do. Alright, I'll do that.





I'm bored. I then began to write in the journal that those guards gave to me and I began to write my feelings away

(Whatever the hecc you think about your predicament)


(miss you dearly)

Sincerely Me!


Y/N: But why though? Your a seal that can write stories, and you have my entire future laid out upon your desk, but your too lazy to put it in word form! THE READERS WANT MORE UPDATES YOU SENTIENT MAMAL FROM ANTARCTICA!

Seal: Fricking geez man, I can delete you if I want to and you'd be nothing more than a thought.

Y/N: Okay okay okay okay I'll stop now.

Seal: Fricking Fourth Wall break.... *Flex Tape Noises* Fricking character going rogue and breaking this precious wall... I PAYED GOOD MONEY FOR THAT DAMMIT! *sigh* You guys continue reading below, I'll repair this wall. *gives readers Flex Tape* Use this for your endeavors reader.

You Gained a Full Roll of Flex Tape!

I lay down in my bed, trying to get some sleep, knowing fully well that that wouldn't be a privilege I would be given in the duration of my stay.

One Good Night's Rest Later . . . 

I wake up, with a large banging to the door. Next thing I know I see a guard pointing a SMG at me ordering me to get out. Not wanting to become swiss cheese I step out and they take me to a testing room. It's just a bright white room with a bed in the middle. And lots, and I mean LOTS of needles. I wanted nothing more than to be shot with a tranquilizer or put to sleep so that I wouldn't have to feel anything, but of course, I had to be awake. 

"They couldn't afford tranquilizer or sleeping agent but they can afford a whole freaking facility? THEY ARE APART OF THE DARN GOVERMENT! THEY SHOULD HAVE ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD!" Of course being the government, they want you(us) to suffer as much as possible. 

"Calm down, calm down me. FRICK I SAID CALM DOWN!" It in fact, did not work. I did not calm down despite my 'pep talk' to myself and my worries only grew once I hear footsteps coming down the hall. 

The person then walks through the door with a white lab coat on, presumably a worker here that is hired as a 'scientist.' 

"Hello, I'm James, and I'll be with you for now" The man, now labeled as 'James' says to me in a calm voice

"Why am I here? What do you guys want from me?" I say, putting up a brave façade

"Well since we don't have any rooms, we just used an examination room. I'm just here to ask you a few questions, and for your last question. . ."

~Time Skip brought to you by Plot Convenience~

I then left the room, thinking about the answer to what they want from me and well, I don't even know what to say to it. On a better note, I am coming along with the story, and found a weak spot in the wall when walking to and from my holding cell. Now all I need is a few willing people to, come with me. I should begin planning, the escape won't plan itself! 

~Short Time Skip~

Okay, so when we all get brought out for dinner, me and some other people, that I will get later, will meet at corridor T-15 while another causes a distraction and gets us some keycards. We then wait for the signal, which should be the alarms going off. From there we go to the right, which has an armory, we gear ourselves up and then go straight from the armory, left, into server room, down the stairs and up the second, go right, and get to the weak point. We bash the wall as hard as we can and I make up the plan from there. At least from what I know, the facility is outside, not underground, leaving me to assume that we are most likely in the middle of no-where, or in a heavily guarded place. If we are in a heavily guarded place, we gun n' run, alternatively, if we are just in the middle of no-where, we just run north until we find civilization. It should be easy. 

"Now all I need to do is find a trustworthy group of people, they say that they are going to open a cafeteria to all later this week, so all I need to do is wait for that time to come" I think to myself. Now I'm wondering, "How  big IS this place?"

~Time Skip brought to you by (Y/N) making a bomb with it blowing up in their face, leaving char marks~

Okay so I just got a good night's rest, thought of the plan, and are currently surveying everything. I am now examining what I could use in my room to my advantage. I see that the bed is poorly put together so I can get a metal bar from my bed, and I can try to break my wall. Behind my toilet. It may be cliché, but it works! From my knowledge, the vent system is behind because the vents are near the bottom of the floor to the left of my room, which holds my bed, AND the toilet. This is just in case Plan A fails or if there isn't enough people. 

"Now all I need to do, is wait. And maybe get Plan B ready." As a reminder, if Plan A and B fail, there are still 24 letters left in the alphabet. Lets hope I don't need to use the other 24 though.

Clocking in at 1018 words

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