what should I do?

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Molly's POV
My dream has always been to sing ,I've always loved it but being a small town girl I never thought it would come true .
It was a dream of mine I had no intention for it to come true.I've always been afraid ,I hardly spoke up for myself but singing was a means of some what getting away from it all if that makes sense.
I want to do it but the fear of the amount of hate I may receive for merely doing what I loved was all I could think about.
The fear of what everyone might say about me and the amount of people who might try and tear me down .
The fact that everyone might treat me so different.
I might even start making friends and you'll never know who's a true friend and who's just there for the fame .

But on the other hand this may be my happiness.
It may fill the void that I've been feeling .
With this thought I sat down and started to write in my notes, I wrote what I felt and this is how it turned out.

You told me you loved me and I believe it.
Now I can't help but wonder,did you mean it?
Am searching for something that could fill the void.
But nothing helps and so annoyed.

You tore me to pieces
You're the one I needed
No one can put me back together
I never feel better

I'm breaking
Your voice replaying
On my knees crying
I feel like am dying

You tore me to pieces
You're the one I needed
No one can put me back together
I never feel better

It Started With A Hello||Jace Norman Story🖤Where stories live. Discover now