Future Scene #1

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''Niall?'' I call as I step into our house. I hear giggles coming from the living room so I shrug off my coat and leave my shoes by the door before pushing the door to the living room open. There, I see Niall laughing his ass off while Zayn is on top of him, tickling his sides. They haven't noticed me coming in yet, so I watch them for a while. 

This has been happening for a few weeks now, Zayn magically appears in our house and steals Niall away from me to do fun stuff together. And at the end of the day Niall always ends up next to me in bed again but I want him to spend the day with me too and I hate the fact that Niall choses Zayn over me. 

I cough once to make them aknowledge my presence. They both look up from where they are still on top of each other, sprawled over the carpet on the floor. 

''Oh, hey Harry,'' Niall smiles and my heart flutters. 

''Uh, yeah, I'll be going home now,'' Zayn stands up, dusts off his jeans and gives Niall a hug that is way too long for my liking before he pats me on the shoulder and leaves the house. 

''So, you had fun?'' I ask. I wonder if he can hear the annoyance in my voice. 

''Yeah, actually, we did have fun,'' he looks at me quizzically. ''Something wrong with that?''

''Oh no, nothing,'' I say, rolling my eyes. 

''Harry, what are you on about?'' He furrows his eyebrows. 

''Well, I don't know, maybe the fact that you rather spend time with Zayn than with me.'' I say, not meeting his eyes. 

''What? Harry, where did you get that idea?'' He sounds offended. 

''Because even when I'm gone for like an hour, everytime I come back, Zayn is here, making you laugh and you're all cute with him and you're supposed to only be cute with me!'' I try not to yell but I'm trying to make a point here. 

''You're being ridiculous right now,'' Niall shakes his head. 

''No, I'm not! You act like Zayn is your boyfriend and not me!'' I exclaim, stepping close to him. 

''Harry, please, you're making a big deal of absolutely nothing,'' he huffs, rolling his eyes. 

''No, you're too oblivious to see that you're rather with Zayn than with me,'' I feel tears well up in my eyes but I ignore them. ''Maybe you should just start dating him.'' 

''You need to calm down, seriously,'' Niall sighs with annoyance and crosses his arms across his chest. 

''I don't have to calm down,'' I yell at him. I can't believe he's not even denying anything. 

''Okay, I'm gonna leave you alone now, maybe we can talk properly like actual adults in a few hours,'' he shakes his head and makes his way out of the room. 

''Oh, yeah, sure, go to Zayn, maybe he can help you get rid of me,'' I snap as I watch him leave. 

''Good idea. At least he would be a better boyfriend than you've ever been!'' He slams the door shut and I break down in tears at that last sentence. He's right, I am a shitty boyfriend and that's why he likes Zayn better. 

I manage to crawl to the couch and I curl up, letting my tears drop freely onto the soft fabric. I wrap myself up in a blanket and cry myself to sleep eventually. 


I wake up to someone pressing kisses to my cheek and there's only one person in the world who knows I love it when someone does that. I keep my eyes closed but my hand comes up to hold Niall's face close to mine. 

''Babe? I'm really sorry.'' he whispers. ''I'm sorry for not realising sooner that I should pay more attention to you. I thought about what you said and- and you were right.'' 

''I'm sorry too,'' I finally open my eyes. ''For freaking out.'' 

''It's okay, you had every right to yell at me. I can be very oblivious sometimes.'' He gets up from where he was kneeling in front of me and wiggles himself under my blanket. 

''And I didn't mean what I said,'' he mumbles as he wraps me up in his arms. ''I was just angry and I wanted you to hurt like you hurt me.''

I don't say anything. 

''Harry, look at me. You are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for,'' he promises. I nod but I'm still sad. 

''It's okay,'' I say eventually and press a kiss to his lips. 

''It's not. I shouldn't have said that. You're my baby and I'm yours and no one will come between that. Not Zayn, not anyone,'' he looks me straight in the eye and rubs his thumb over my cheek. 

I nod, a blush covering my cheeks because I'm his baby and a chuckle escaping my mouth. 

''Do you believe me?'' he asks. He's so close, our lips are almost touching. 

''I do,'' I breathe out and close the gap between us.

A/N: uhm so this one is for SaraBookz because she wanted Narry to fight and make up and well it turned out like this... I hope you like it... :) 

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