Deleted Scene #1

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I haven't seen Niall in 4 weeks, not because we had a fight or anything, but well, the WWA tour ended and we all wanted to spend time with family and friends in our break so he went back to Ireland and I went to Holmes Chapel.

The first few days were great, really. But after that I started missing Niall more and more. After the first week I started pouting and whining that I wanted to see my boyfriend. And my mum, who I probably drove crazy, told me to just go and visit him for a few days. But I knew he was having fun in his home country and I didn't want to interfere.

So I spent my days trying not to think about him, and attempting not to sound too desperate when we were facetiming or calling each other. I tried not to overload him with text messages and I made sure I had somewhere to go every day so I wouldn't have to think about the fact that the one I dearly love is miles and miles away from me.

But now, 4 weeks later, we have a meeting tomorrow to plan what's going to happen in the next few months and I'll finally get to see him again. We all had to be there a day in advance and I'm one of the first to arrive in the hotel. Louis texted me that he was already there so after I drop off my stuff in mine and Niall's room, I walk to his room so we can wait together.

''Harry! How was your break?'' he exclaims as soon as I step into his room.

''Long,'' I sigh, plopping down on a chair.

''Long? You always love going back home,'' he says, forrowing his eyebrows.

''Yeah, well, you know what they say, home is where the heart is,'' I mumble, pulling on a loose threat on my sweater.

''He can be here any second,'' he smiles, meaning Niall, as he hands me a cup of tea.

''I want him here now,'' I pout. ''I can't go so long without him.''

''You really haven't seen him for 4 weeks?'' Louis looks at me as if he can't believe what I just said.

''I saw him through facetime but that's about it,'' I shrug.

''Wow, Haz, how are you still alive? You guys are like glued to one another,'' he chuckles.

''I don't want to talk about him because I might start crying. I really really really need to kiss him,'' I moan.

''Only a few more hours, Haz, you'll manage,'' Louis reassures and takes a tentative sip of his hot tea.

I nod and blow away some steam to cool down my drink. Right when I want to take a gulp there's a knock on the door. I am out of my chair with the speed of light and I yank open the hotel room door.

''Oh,'' I let out a disappointed sigh when I see Zayn in the door opening. ''It's only you.''

''Jeez, don't be too excited to see me,'' he jokes and steps into the room. I give him a quick hug and sit down in my chair again, returning my still hot tea to my lips.

''He misses his boyfriend,'' Louis teases as he greets Zayn.

Zayn rolls his eyes because nothing new there, sits down and starts telling about his break. I zone out of the conversation and close my eyes. I plan on taking a nap because time goes faster when you sleep but a knock on the door startles me. I quickly get up before anyone else can and run to the door.

Full of hope I pull the door open and I'm ready to attack Niall with kisses when I see that Liam is standing on the other side of the door, a bright smile plastered on his face. I sigh deeply again and drop my shoulders. I wordlessly walk back to my spot and curl up in the chair.

''Uh, hi?'' I hear Liam call from where he's still in the door opening.

''Liam, hey, come in,'' Louis gets up from the couch and greets Liam properly.

''What's up with him?'' I can't see Liam but I know he means me.

''Oh, he just misses his other half,'' Louis explains.

''Speaking of Niall, he literally just texted, telling me that his flight is delayed,'' Liam informs as he seats himself on the comfy couch.

''What?!'' I am up within a few seconds and glare at Liam as if he's the cause of Niall's flight being delayed.

''I'm sorry, bro, I can't help it either,'' he defends himself immediately. ''He probably texted you too.''

I whip my phone out of my pocket and see that Niall indeed texted me.

From Niall:

sorry babe! flight has an hour delay, i'll be with you as soon as possible x

I groan and fall back in my chair. Life is working against me today. I pout and curl up again, pulling my knees to my chest.


It's an hour later and it's nearing 7 o'clock. Niall is still not here and I don't know how long I can take this waiting before I break down and start crying hysterically.

''Are you guys up for some room service?'' Louis asks, the hotel phone already in his hand.

A few sounds of approval are made and Louis disappears to make the call. I'm really not in the mood for food but I appreciate the gesture.

Louis, Zayn and Liam are chatting happily in the background but all I can do is sulk and pout and cuddle myself warm until Niall is here to do it for me. There's a knock on the door again but Louis says that it's probably room service so I don't bother to get up. I have my eyes closed again when I hear some sniggering behind me.

''Uhm, Harry? Someone's here to see you,'' Louis calls. I turn around and instantly meet Niall's eyes. I don't know how fast I get up before I choke out his name and fall into his warm embrace. I'm almost crying with happiness when he wraps his arms around my waist and rubs my back soothingly.

''I'm here now, darling,'' he murmers into my ear. ''Shh, don't cry, love.'' 

I didn't even notice myself crying until I feel tears drop down my chin, onto Niall's sweater. I bury my face deeper into my boyfriend's neck and hold him even tighter. 

''Hey, Harry, look at me,'' he whispers. ''I wanna see your face, baby.'' 

I pull my tearstained face back but keep my arms locked around his neck. 

''Why are you crying, babe?'' he asks, gently wiping away the wetness under my eyes. 

''Just- I don't want to be without you for so long anymore,'' I sob out, hiding away in the crook of his neck again. 

''I'm sorry, Haz, I promise it won't happen again,'' Niall shushes me. He pushes a bit of space between us and leans his forehead against mine. He presses a soft kiss to my lips before he wipes my face dry with the sleeve of his sweater. 

''Do you wanna sit down, hm? Cuddle for a bit maybe?'' He holds my waist as he talks to me. 

I nod, still pouting a bit before I peck his lips multiple times and follow him to the chair I was sitting in all day. He sits down first and I crawl on top of him, pulling my knees to my chest and pushing my face into his neck. I breathe in his scent, the smell that makes me feel at home and loved, and press myself as close as I can. 

We spend the night like that. Eventually I come back to earth and appear from where I had been hiding away in Niall's neck, only for Niall to smother me with love and affection even more. I'm pretty sure I was blushing all night long but, well, it's no secret Niall makes me happy. 

A/N: yayy the first one! if you have any more ideas for oneshots/drabbles, i'll be happy to write them!! let me know what you think :) 

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