Deleted Scene #3

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It's been a few months after Niall and I came out to the world and life has been absolutely wonderful. We can go out whenever we want without having to stress about how affectionate we can be. Obviously, I take full adventage of this and touch my boyfriend whenever I can get my hands on him and the fans absolutely love it. Even during concerts when thousands of people are watching us, I manage to get Niall flustered by whispering not so innocent things in his ear or letting my hands linger on him a little bit too long. 

We do keep the kissing to a minimum tough, I personally think kissing is a very intimate thing to do and I don't really want to share to the world how I snog my boyfriend. But inevitably, the fans are getting impatient with our lack of kissing and I know they are going to get us to kiss somehow. 

We are all on stage now and it's time for the twitter questions. I don't even have to read the first question to know what it is, judging by the screams getting impossibly louder than they already were. I take a peek at the screen and see what I expected. 

''Narry, can we get a kiss? ;)'', it reads in gigantic letters. I let a small smile creep on my face and make eye contact with Niall. He's looking at me with his eyebrows raised, silently asking if I want to do this. I just shrug and smile. As he crosses the stage to get to me, the crowd goes crazy but it quickly dies down when Niall simply plants a peck on my cheek and then walks away again. 

''That wasn't a kiss!'' Louis yells, and apparently everyone in the stadium agrees. 

''Kiss, kiss, kiss,'' Liam chants, the fans joining him right away. 

Niall laughs and comes up to me again. Before he has time to put his lips on mine, the whole stadium turns dark with only one spotlight pointing to us. 

''Oh god,'' I groan and hide my face in Niall's neck, laughing. 

''Come on, Haz, my lips are waiting,'' I hear Niall mumble in my ear. 

I pull away from him, my face probably still red and take his face in my hands, pressing my lips to his firmly. He puffs out a nervous breath but draws me closer with his arms around my waist. I smile against his lips and slowly start moving my mouth. Niall reacts immediately and kisses me back softly. I tune out the screams in my ear and focus on Niall. We kiss for what feels like ages and I come back to earth when Niall pulls away slowly. I suddenly realise what we did and I get embarrassed again, hiding my face in Niall's neck for a second time. 

''I can't believe we just did that,'' I mutter, breathing out a chuckle. 

I can hear Niall giggling over the sound of thousands of fans going crazy and he pats my bum before he pulls away. 

''We gave them what they wanted, right?'' He laughs and presses one last kiss to my lips before he walks off again, leaving me dizzy with love. 

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