3 | Guns 'n' Roses

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Chapter 03: Guns 'n' Roses

I'm riding around on my board, in the middle of the night. What can i say? I got tired of Sam and Robby flirting, makes me sick.

"Hey, I'm a little lost." someone says and I stop to turn around. I find a tanned black haired, and brown eyed guy.

"You're not just lost, you're drunk." I say and start riding away but he catches up with me.

"I'm Miguel." he says still running after me. 

I stop figuring out he won't stop until I respond, "Sofia." 

"Nice shirt. Guns 'n' Roses?" he says smiling. 

"You know the band?" I ask him.

"Yeah of course. Well I didn't at first but then my sensei told me to listen so i did." he explains walking in zigzags. 

"Well your sensei has good music taste then." i say and take my board in my hand.

"So you skate?" he asks.

"Nah, it's just for decoration." i say sarcastically and he laughs.

"What about you?" i ask laughing.

"Nah. I'd probably fall." he says his breath smells like vodka. 

I stop and add, "Alright then, let's teach you." i drop my board on the floor.

"What? No! I'm drunk" he says but I don't budge so he gives up.

"You're not that drunk if you know that you are." i say but realize i probably don't make any sense to him since he's drunk. 

"Ok so you step on it and balance. That's like step one." I say and he steps on it.

He almost slides off but i catch his arm, "Relax." i say and he nods.

I slowly remove my hands from his arms and he smiles, "I did it! I did it! I'm doing it!" he says and we both start laughing, "I'm doing-" he starts but suddenly loses his balance and slips. Just as he slips he grabs my arm and i fall on the floor besides him.

"Totally doing it." i say laughing.

He stands up after a while and helps me up, "Ok second try." he says and does it again.

This time he manages to stay put, "Ok now, you push with one of your feet and move forward. If you wanna like turn to the left you put all your body weight to the left." I explain and he nods.

"OK." he says and starts moving forward I run after him to see how he's doing and he slips. I laugh but he gets back on the board and tries again.

Falls again.

I laugh.

Tries again.

"I'M TURNING! SOF I DID IT!" he yells putting his hands in the air triumphantly and I laugh running after him. He stops and grabs the board in his hand. I stop and stand besides him laughing and catching my breath.

We start walking again and something pops inside my brain, "You said 'sensei', you do karate?" 

"Yeah. I'm a Cobra Kai." he says.

"Oh." I say and then think back at what Sam said, "Lemme guess, you are Sammantha LaRusso's boyfriend?"

"Well not anymore." he says.

"Actually?" I ask, in fact it makes sense now. She wouldn't be flirting with Robby this much if she had a boyfriend.

"Yeah. How d'you know her?" he asks me. 

Sofia LaRusso X Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now