Pass or Fail: Survival test- Part Two

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*Blossom’s POV

After Sasuke dropped me off I came face to face with a pissed off Dad. I knew I was in big trouble, snow started walking towards her bed and layed down. 

‘NO SNOW DON’T LEAVE ME’. I screamed in my mind. I started sweating bullets. After hours of Dad lecturing me he sent me to bed before taking my pocky stash and I had to wake up EARLY T^T. Who does he think he is?  

*Morning* 4:30 am 

The moment I woke up I was mumbling curse words and insulting Dad. I ate eggs with toast and bacon while snow ate berries. Out of the house still mumbling curse words and insulting Dad.

“Stupid Dad making me get up”.

“Why does he get to sleep while I wake up early”. 

“I’m not going to make him breakfast”. (you still made him breakfast). I sighed and started walking to the training grounds with Snow on my head. 

'Looks like we're the first ones here.' I thought but before I sat down why not head to the KIA stone. I sat down in front of it and started picking at some flowers. 

“Hello. You may not know me but you know my dad, kakashi. Thank you for taking care of him, being his friends, and teaching him. You may have your ups and downs but it happens. Please continue looking after him”. I said while finishing the flower crown and placed it on the corner of the stone. I smiled until I felt someone behind me. I glance to see Snow looking at the person behind us. 

‘It could be either Sasuke or Naurto. Whoever it is I hope they’re prepared for what’s about to come ’. I thought to myself before smirking. I took out a ninja star and threw it behind me. I didn’t hear anything but a swish movement. 

“Looks like you got good reflexes Sasuke. Are you hungry? I got some Onigiri (rice balls) if you want some”. I chuckled. I only heard an ‘hn’ and footsteps coming towards us. 

“How did you know it was me and not that dope or Sakura?” Sasuke asked, sitting next to me. 

“Well for starters Naruto would be yelling and hugging my back and snow would be jumping up and down . While Sakura will ethier yell at me or just ignore me and snow will be barking at her.” I explained to him while handing him an Onigiri, once again he said ‘hn’. 

‘I really need to get you a dictionary one day.’ I thought with a sweatdrop. We sat in a comfortable silence, just listening to the wind blowing and trees swaying. Then snow started jumping up and down, I looked behind me and saw Naurto. 

“Hey Blossom, what are you doing there with that slug. I thought I was here all by myself!” Naruto whined. I smiled at him and stood up while Sasuke was still sitting. I glanced at him to see him with a tic mark on the side of his head and pissed off face. 

“Why you- 

“Naruto don’t be rude. Here have an Onigiri, you’ll need it for the training we’ll do.” I said and shoved it into his mouth before he could deny it. Snow looked around before sniffing the air and started growling. Me and Sasuke made eye contact before letting out a big sigh. 

‘Means Sakura is here.’ 

“Naruto, what are you doing over there? Have you found Sasuke yet?!” We are turned to see Sakura going through some bushes. When she saw Sasuke her face lit up until she saw me next to him, her face darkened. 

“Oh your here.” She said, glaring at me. I gave her a blank look. 

“Why wouldn’t I be here, we are part of the team. Let me guess you thought that I wasn’t going to come today, did you”. I said still with my blank stare. She didn’t say anything and looked to the side. We stared at each other before I sighed and walked towards her. Her body tensed up and I saw a hint of fear in her eyes. 

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