Chapter 54

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"I should probably get going..the show starts in an hour or so" I look at my phone to check the time. My parents nodded, standing up with me and following me to the door "you should come visit LA more often.." I turn to them

They nod, "we might have to now that your all big and famous" my dad smirked. "Okay..I'll see you you both" I give them both a hug "see you, love" my mom replied, watching as I made my way down the street

I walked quietly to the hotel, meeting Ceci in the lobby and getting into the car for the venue "how was seeing your parents?" She asked on the way. I shrugged, "it was dad was pretty interested in the tour and my mom was pretty interested in what happened with Peyton" I laughed awkwardly

"Does she not like him then?" Ceci questioned. I shook my head, "quite the opposite actually..she thinks he's really handsome and that I should've stuck with him" I reply, turning to look out the window

"Your happy with josh though..that's what matters..right?" She asked. I pondered on it for a few seconds "yea..I guess I am.." I smile softly "Oh! I finished the lyrics to Can't get you out of my maybe we could record and get it sent back to the producers!" I jump excitedly at the thought of it

"Actually..they asked you not to.." she sighed. I furrowed my eyebrows, "asked me not to what?" I question confused "Josh..his team..they've asked for you to not record anything while your on the tour" she replied

"What why?" I was shocked "I dunno..maybe because Peyton's tour was bigger, you would've been there longer..while his is only about 15 days..I'm not too sure" she replied

"But Peyton was so open to it, in fact he practically forced me to spend time there so that I could get more out there" I stated. She nodded, "I'm sorry, Sab..but this is the 3rd've only got 7 more to do.." she tried to reason

The car pulled up to the arena, stopping for us to get out and enter through the back entrance. Ceci and I made our way to the dressing room, opening the door to see josh standing without a shirt on and a girl holding it across from here

"Literally not again" I say as I look between the two "baby this is Amanda, Amanda this is Sabrina. Sab, Amanda is giving me options on what to wear tonight.." he took the top from her, putting it on and looking in the mirror

"Oh! It's nice to meet you" I smile to the brunette across from me "thought this was about to be Peyton all over again" I mutter to Ceci just loud enough for her to hear

She chuckled, "how does this one look?" Josh turned around to me. I nodded " looks good on you.." I smile kindly "Sabrina we need you in makeup! You're on in half an hour!" Someone behind me called

"Alright..well I'll see you soon.." I smile to josh before leaving the room, following Ceci to the makeup area with an uneasy feeling in my stomach

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