Chapter 92

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"You think that went okay?" Peyton asked as he got back into the car. I nodded, "I think so..they have no reason not to like you" I reply "oh! And sorry about my dad and the whole house thing..he's a little old fashioned, thinks the man should pay for the house" I chuckle awkwardly

He shrugged, "it's all good baby, don't worry. We can get a house as soon as you want one" he smirked jokingly, his hand holding mine while his other hand rested on the steering wheel, driving down the LA streets.

"You're so good" I dream up to him "I'm good at a lot of things" He smirked. I hit his arm playfully "Good to me" I clarify with a laugh. He nods, "you deserve everything" he mumbled, his eyes still focused on the road

"I've gotta go to the studio tomorrow.." I change the subject "you been working on some stuff?" He questioned. I nodded, "yea I have to record break my heart and we are finishing up a few others" I reply

"Break my heart?" He repeated "its new, I sent it over to them a few days ago to sort of change but I think we have all the lyrics down now" I reply "about what josh did?" He asked

I shook my head, "No. it's about you" I laugh. His head snapped to me "what! Why am I breaking your heart!" He asked sort of sadly "no it's not about breaking my heart it''ll see when it comes's good though, it's not a sad song" I clarify

"Good Bebe..I wouldn't want to making you upset" hr replied. We made it back to the apartment building, Peyton parking the car and getting out with me "coming over?" He asked

I nodded "No I'm gonna spend the whole evening in my apartment alone" I laugh sarcastically. He rolled his eyes playfully "I wouldn't be surprised" he chuckled

We got to his apartment, I went over to his couch, flopping onto it face first "tired baby?" He asked from the kitchen. I made a grumbling sound as if I was agreeing with him before a phone began ringing

"Is it mine" I mumbled with my face still squished against his pillows "it's...Ceci" he handed me the small rectangle. I sat up, sliding the answer button and bringing it to my ear, "hey..yea I was gonna..uh sure...I'll ask him hold on.." I pull the phone down, looking over to Peyton

"Ceci wants to pick me up tomorrow morning so do you want to be the best person ever and pick me up" I plead with a pout "of course I do" he smiled, coming over and sitting beside me

I brought the phone back up "Yea he'll pick me up..okay see you at 10..bye" I chucked the phone on the coffee table, resting my head against his chest "how come she wants to pick you up?" He asked

I shrugged, "I don't know, she said we have things to discuss about the next award show or whatever..I can just get a driver to pick me up from the studio, you don't have to" I reply

"No bebe, I wanna" he leant down, giving me a kiss

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