Chapter 88

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"I'm gonna be sick" I hissed to myself, my eyes shooting open, my legs carrying me over to the bathroom, collapsing down by the toilet and throwing my insides up

Peyton came in behind me, grabbing my hair back and tying it loosely in a ponytail, his hand rubbing my back soothingly "poor baby" he sighed, crouching down beside me

I reached up once I was done, flushing the toilet and pushing myself up from the floor, he passed me a towel, wetting it, I wiped my face soothingly, "whose are those" I caught sight of the eyelashes on the bench

"They're yours baby" he chuckled, leaving the bathroom. I sighed relieved, "aww you took my makeup off" I pouted as I looked in the mirror "I brushed your teeth too" he called from the other room, a laugh coming right after

"Your so thoughtful, I love it. Who even thinks about brushing their teeth when your drunk" I reply, still holding the cold towel over my face "I do, and I was nothing compared to you" he came back to the bathroom, passing me a bottle of water

I took it from him with a smile, picking up my dress and heels from the floor "plans for today?" I asked him. "Got none" he replied simply "can we go get the car and then sit on the couch and do nothing but eat all day" I ask

He laughed "we sure can" he replied. I finished picking up my things, taking the lashes from the counter "I'm gonna go shower and change, then I'll come back down in like half an hour and we can go?" I ask

He nods, "sounds good" he replied, kissing my forehead. He walked me to the apartment door, closing it behind me as I headed to my apartment

I dropped the clothes on the floor, grabbing and aspirin and getting straight into the shower, relying on it to cure my hangover. Once I got out I changed into a similar outfit to the one I had on before, however this time wearing my clothes instead of his

I drank some more water, trying to keep myself hydrated as I left the apartment again, heading down to his. I pulled out my phone, typing in coreys number "how is she?" I ask once the line connects

"I wouldn't be surprised if she's killed half her organs. She's throwing up everywhere, which is good, you know to get it out of her system, but she's throwing up the aspirin that's supposed to help soothe her" he laughed

I knocked on Peyton's door, waiting for him to come out "maybe she won't go as hard next time" I reply "oh I think she will, she'll keep trying until she can drink that much and not throw up..but how are you feeling?" He asked

Peyton opened the door, a smile on his face as he came out, walking beside me to the elevator "I'm okay, I was throwing up too but I think I'm okay now..gonna go pick up the car and get some food" I reply

"Do you want us to drop anything off?" I add "Uh no I think we're good thank you..she has ordered Uber eats four times, buying the food and then deciding she wants something else.." he laughed

"Babe- No..don't..oh for fucks sake..I'm gonna have to go sab, she's throwing up again" he chuckled. I smiled, "see you" I hang up, just in time for the elevator to reach the bottom floor

"Everything okay?" Peyton asked. I nodded, "just Corey saying that Rowans throwing up everywhere" I laugh, "you two were going pretty hard last night..with your whole wanting to flash the camera" he smirked

I felt a blush grow on my cheeks, my jaw dropping "did I do that?!" I panicked. He shook his head, "No I got you in the car before you got your dress off..then you spent the whole car ride home telling the driver how your gonna have an even better night once we get home" he laughed

I buried my face in my hands "did I really? Tell me your joking" I look to him. He continued laughing, taking my hand as he walked me through to the carpark "you sure did" he replied

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