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After meeting those serious eyes of Taehyun, my eyes fell on my wrist that was being held by an arm which was owned by Taehyun and his grip was quite tight.

After coming back to my senses, I tried pulling my hand back but all my efforts only made him tighten his grip even more.

Of course I was too shocked at first but then I looked down and waited for him to pull me in his embrace, because that is what happens in almost all the K-Dramas including the fact that I forgot this isn't one... And instead of that, his grip on my hand grew tighter than ever which was a sign that I should look at him and not at my feet. I looked up straight into his eyes and saw them already questioning my whole existence.

It was all silent there until Taehyun spoke;

Taehyun: You do not like Korean.

Y/N: De majayo. Da hanguk sarami anniya.

          (Yes, Right. I am not Korean)

Taehyun: khrom, Do eodi-

                  (Then, where you-)

Before he could complete I spoke

Y/N: Jeonun INDO saramiyeyo

          (I am INDIAN)

I felt his grip loosening a bit and so I took this opportunity and pulled my hand back from him and bowed a multiple times more, then, I took my luggage (-which was luckily only 2 suitcases-) and ran from there at the speed of light.

I went to the currency changing centre of the airport and got my Indian currency (RUPEES) changed into Korean WON for my life to be more smooth than it already is (A/N:which is a total lie...)

I ran out of the airport as soon as I could. And I was lucky enough to find a taxi. I took the taxi and told the driver the hotel's name that I had booked from INDIA.


After 2 hours or so I reached my hotel in Seoul . I took my luggage out of the cab and paid for the taxi ride's rent. I moved in the hotel and got my room keys from the receptionist. She told me the way to my room and finally after a lot of struggle that I went through all this time in Korea, I was in my small yet very cosy and comfortable hotel room. I had to stay there for just a week since my lessons were going to start soon and then I would have to stay there in the hostel with a few more people.

I kept my luggage aside and threw myself on the bed as though I had just returned from fighting a war. But not too late, I realised that my hand was paining, and when I saw it, I realised it was my wrist. It was all red because of the incident at the airport.

But then again I was just staring at my wrist and admiring the mark on it forgetting about the pain already, after all it was TAEHYUN who

held it, my bias from TXT.

I started to think about the possible outcomes of the situation that I was in and if I hadn't run away from it, but, suddenly my phone started ringing hence interrupting my thoughts.... And it was my dear PARENTS.I picked the call and told them that I had safely reached my hotel without missing any of my belongings or without getting into any trouble...obviously I lied, who tells their parents that their troublemaking child got herself in trouble before even exiting the airport....?

(A/N: I wouldn't...!

Y/N: SEE...even the author agrees with me.

A/N: Don't get your hope high kid!!!

Y/N:Oh shut up! I'm older to you!!!


Finally after a long call, my parents hung up. And then I started to feel very lonely so I video-called my friends. It was 7:15pm in Korea so it might me around 3:30 something in INDIA.

On the call, I told them everything that happened here and especially the Taehyun incident. And they were obviously jealous but since they were my friends they asked me to be more careful because I might be misunderstood as a saesang fan.

It was getting late and I was also very tired, so, we bid our goodbyes and hung the call. I took a quick shower and changed into my comfortable clothes and took out a few food that my mother had packed for me. Which was honestly the tastiest thing right now because I was in Korea and would not get to taste my mother's handmade food for the next 5 years until we get a long vacation.

I already had my plans for this upcoming week that was mostly for roaming and admiring Korea (since it was my dream place). It was 8:30pm and I wanted to sleep, so leaving the lights on, I went to sleep.

(Y/N: Don't judge me, many people are scared of the dark

A/N: I ain't!

Y/N: Shut up, will you??

A/N: Okay sorry, Chill girl!)

I laid on my bed, and looked at the wrist for the last time before sleeping and saw that it had now turned slightly pink. I smiled as the scene replayed itself in my head, and the nervousness of that situation was now long gone and replaced with excitement. And after some good minutes of admiring the wrist, I finally closed my eyes to get a good night sleep.

After about half an hour, I heard a loud bang on my door which made me jump up from my bed in surprise. I was really scared as I was totally unaware of this place and the fact that I was all alone not only in the room but also in Korea, thus nobody to contact to...

Who was it?

And why were they banging on my door?


{A/N: Comment your guesses about who this person could be...!

Also anticipate the next chapter soon as the scripts are already with me!!!!}

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