Chapter 18

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Riley kicked her feet back and forth under her chair while she waited for Clayton to return. She was glad he offered to get her something to eat and drink, because she really needed it. Today had been shocking—and long. All she wanted to do was go to sleep. But that might bring nightmares. She didn't think she was ready to close her eyes and see the horrors she'd witnessed. Riley sighed, and that drew the attention of the woman beside her.

"Are you all right, dear?"

Riley turned and saw that it was the woman she had talked to outside the post office.

"Oh, hello. I didn't notice you there. I guess my head was in the clouds. I'm fine, just a bit tired and hungry. It's been a trying day."

"Poor thing. Are you here for a regular check-up?"

"Yes. What brings you here?"

"My joints are acting up again. Comes with the old age. I don't mind too much though. It means that I've had a good life and the Lord still blesses me every day that I'm alive and kicking," she said.

Riley laughed, "I hope I grow to be as old and happy as you."

"I'm sure you will, dear. It's part of the attitude and you seem to have a good head on your shoulders. You're a fighter, I can tell," the old woman smiled.

"I'd like to think so," Riley remarked.

"Don't we all. We want to be brave and strong—to have courage, but it is rare that someone actually exhibits those traits."

"I suppose that's true," Riley paused. "I never did catch your name," she stated.

The older lady laughed, "I never did tell it. You can call me Patty. And who might you be?"

"Patty," she repeated. "I'm Riley."

"It's very nice to meet you, Riley," Patty said and took Riley's hand in her own.

"I agree."

Just then, Riley's stomach growled really loudly. The two laughed. Riley placed a hand on her pregnant belly.

"I hope Clayton comes back with food soon, we're both hungry."

"I can see that," Patty commented.

"How have you been, besides achy joints?" Riley asked.

"I've been well. My children and grandchildren are well. Life is good, like I mentioned before. How about you? How is life treating you?"

Riley frowned, "It could be kinder. Sometimes I feel like life throws everything bad my way."

"It won't be bad forever. You simply have to hold on for something better. You know when you save your dinner fork for dessert?" Riley nodded and Patty continued, "You have to be like that fork and wait for the better things yet to come."

"That does make sense, I'll have to try it," Riley concluded.

"Good. I believe my something better is heaven," Patty shared.

"You're not that old! You have many years left."

"That may be true, but regardless of that, that's the place where I will meet my Creator. At this point in my earthly life, nothing could get better than that."

"I have to admit, I don't know much about heaven and hell. What is there to know?" asked Riley.

"Well, I'll try to put it in simple form. Most people live good lives. They don't harm others or do bad things. But doing that alone won't get you to heaven. A person has to accept Jesus into their heart. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. He is the only way we can go to heaven. But, when our bodies die we have to go through Judgment. This is where God looks at our life and judges everything that has happened. We have to be prepared for when that day comes and try to live the best life we can according to the Bible and what Jesus wants us to do.

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