Chapter 7

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As i ride down the quiet street, my heart started thumping really quickly. I'm not exactly afraid of the dark as long as i'm not alone, but now it seems like i'm the only one alive in a zombie apocalypse.

But if that really happens, i would most likely have a giant bat or a knife in hand. I honestly wish i have that right now. My destination is still a few miles away and i'm riding alone in the middle of the night with anything that could be lurking out there waiting for the right moment to jump on me or rape me.

I sped up and tried not to think of the weird people thats lurks in the darkness. I never liked staying late outside and i won't start now. Those people just creeps the fuck out of me.

I may be a badass, i may be able to whack 5 guys asses, i may be dangerous, but i'm still a human girl.

After about twenty minutes of hearing my heart pound in my ears, i see the sparkling lights of the grand hall. The grand hall belongs to those who are rich, smart, bratty and absolutely bossy.

I've been there once and i swore i wouldn't enter that building again. I'm not sure why they called it the grand hall when its not really a hall, its just a huge building with tons of apartments. Kinda like a hotel just way better and classy.

Ever since i turned thirteen, i kicked my dad out of my house and he have been living here ever since. Our family have always been rich, and he was a power man in this society, so i guess he managed to get a place in this grand rubbish.

I parked at the side of the road and fished my phone out of my pocket. I checked the message he send me, deck 3 room 109. I glanced at my watch which shows that i'm fashionably late. Perfect. I'm not giving that arsehole the satisfaction of my punctuality.

I grandly walked in the building, one hand grabbing my helmet and the other hand holding my phone.

Many heads turn to look at me, they must be wondering what a sixteen year old teen biker girl is doing in a place where everyone either wears designer clothes or suits.

I casually dropped my helmet on the reception desk to get the receptionist attention, he got startled and dropped his geek glasses.

' H-how may i help you, erm young lady? ' He asked while arranging his glasses.

' Deck 3 room 109. Where is it? '

' Its this way, maam. ' He pointed to his right.

' Alright thanks, take care of my helmet. ' I tossed my baby to him.

He caught it clumsily and almost lost his balance. I walked over to the direction he showed me and saw a large sparkly sign that says ' Deck 3 ' .

I walked across the long corrider, searching for the correct number.






There it is. The room where my childhood murderer is in. I took in a deep breath before pounding on the door.

After a few clicks, a man wearing an expensive looking tuxedo opened the door. He examined me with a raised eyebrow before asking in a thick british accent,

' Are you Ms Evangeline Audrey Oakley? '

' Duh. '

I pushed past him through the large wooden door and see one of the biggest room i have ever seen in my entire life.

His bathroom must be the size of my bedroom. The living room has a large sofa with and incliner, the tv is so big, my body can most likely fit in it, the curtains are velvet, the tables looks so amazing i just wanna sleep in it. There are paintings everywhere, one with a naked french looking woman, one that looks like some kid splashed random paint on it. There is even a tiny ship toy thingy on the table.

' woooooow. ' My eyes lit up like a thousand rubies.

' Sir Oakley is currently not in, he did remimd me that we might have a visitor so why don't you take a sit. I'll send the maid to give you some tea. Our sir will be back very soon. '

' Oh erm okay. ' I said almost speechless.

Soon, a lady in a white maid uniform walked in with a tray of cookies and tea. She placed it down on the table along with a napkin with a logo imprinted on it. It says oakley. I didn't know that moron could make a napkin company.

I picked up the teacup and sipped on it. It tastes amazing! I slurped the whole thing down and threw some cookies into my mouth. After i was done, i looked up and saw that butler look at me like i was some hungry homeless kid who haven't ate for a week. I raised an eyebrow and he quickly looked away.

I waited for 15 minutes before a light knock was heard from the door. Weirdo butler opened the door and a man entirely in black walked in.


I stood up slowly not letting my eyes off of him. I can feel my blood boiling madly inside of me. I took a few deep breath wiping my clamy hands on my jeans.

He looked up and smiled widely.

' Eve! You came! '

' Yea and you're late. ' i answered as coldly as i could.

' I know, i had to fetch this little bastard and he took 30 minutes to get ready. Sometimes i wonder if he really is a boy. '

' Man. ' A guy walked into the living room behind David. He has ocean blue eyes with one direction Zayn's hair cept that its blonde,  he was wearing geek glasses with a gray sweater on, along with some jeans and converse.

He glanced up at me and smiled shyly. I gave him a quick smile and looked away. Who is that boy?

' The ' man ' is Fintry. Alex fintry. ' David introduced.

' Oh erm. Hi. ' I replied.

David turned to Alex and introduced him to me. i noticed Alex was staring at me.

' This lovely girl you are STARING at, Alex, ' Alex immediately turn to face him. ' Is my daughter. Evangeline. Or she would prefer you to call her Eve. '

He walked forward towards me and shook my hand. We awkwardly shaked hands and pulled away, feeling more awkward than ever.

' Eve and Alex why don't you sit down and chat a little? Let me get a few things done first. '

' Sure. ' Alex replied while i merely nod.

He sat down silently beside me and after a few seconds, he asked,

' How old are you? '

' 16. ' i answered immediately.

' Oh. Erm i'm 17. '

' Cool. '

After that, he said nothing and i didn't either. I'm not exactly the type of person to socialize a lot.

David came back in a sweater and a pair of trousers and sat down at the chair opposite us.

' So, Eve and Alex, you must be wondering why i called you here. Well, its simple, i need to let you know something Eve. ' He paused for a moment and continued, ' Alex, is your step brother. '

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