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Anxiety. The classes were giving her a sense of anxiety later these days. The week has been stressful for Zhang Duozi. No texts, no phone calls, nothing from Sun Rui. Their friendship has been left in a weird point, where a passionate kiss had happened and then everything has been awkward. Sun Rui was away and just the thought of distance, made Duozi crazy. She wanted to see her so bad, even as friends.

It was a Friday afternoon spent at "Gege's". The usual crowded queue was making so much noise at the little coffee shop, but this was her only escape that day before her medical class. She grabbed her coffee, greeted Mr. Wu and found a place to sit next to the big window. The park across the street looked so plain without Sun Rui there. Zhang Duozi only had to admit this to herself; She was in love with the girl she met at the coffee shop some weeks ago. In love.

She didn't bother to text her thought. She knew that she needed to be calm and have a clear mind while taking her physiotherapy sessions in Shanghai. But maybe distance was doing them good. Zhang Duozi has realized how much she liked being around Sun Rui, while Sun Rui has realized her honest feelings towards her and how much she needed Zhang Duozi. Yes, distance was a good thing after all. They could both work on their feelings and wants.

She opened her human anatomy book and started turning the pages spontaneously. She was a bit zoned out. The pages were writing "I liked that kiss too." and her mind could only recall one memory now. She nervously took some sips of her coffee and tried to concentrate. Her afternoon class was starting in half an hour.

At the same time, Sun Rui was in her mother's car coming back home. Shanghai has been beautiful, but she didn't have time to explore it. She has been spending so many hours of her days in the hospital along with doctors and nurses, doing some special exercises for her spines and her legs, taking some different medicine. Sun Rui was now able to stand and walk a few steps with no support. The expenses of physiotherapy was worth it. But the doctor insisted she didn't start performing and practicing for three more months, until her legs regain their strength. It would be a tough period as well.

"I miss you."
Zhang Duozi's phone rang and she had a text message from her favorite person. She closed the book and stood up. Her body felt alive again.
"I miss you too. Can't wait for you to get back." She responded instantly.
"Would you like to come by today?"

Duozi couldn't feel happier by reading that last message.
"You're back!"
"Yes! How does 07:00 p.m. at my place sound?"
The tall girl had classes that afternoon, but she wouldn't mind skip it. For Sun Rui.

There she was at 07:00 sharp, knocking on Sun Rui's door. Her heart was beating like crazy. It's been 7 days without her. She was worried, she missed her, she could go one more day without her. And the door opened.
Suddenly, Zhang Duozi stopped breathing. Her eyes became wider and her mouth spontaneously opened. She was now facing a standing Sun Rui. No wheelchair, no support.
"S-Sun Rui!" She managed to mumble and rushed to hug the girl.

The truth is that Sun Rui was a bit insecure about her walking, but it was still too soon. She had work to do.
"Your legs! You're standing!" Zhang Duozi took a look at the girl and burst into tears of Joy. "You can walk again!"
Sun Rui was smiling, not being able to believe that a person could care so much for her. Now she was sure how much Zhang Duozi loved her.
"Don't cry, Duozi!" She tried to calm her down by putting her in her arms again. "Let's take a seat." And she took her inside her house.

They sat on the couch in her big living room. Nobody was at home. Duozi was just sitting there next to her, still examining every inch of the girl's body. She was so excited to see her friend walking again.
"I-I... you can't imagine how great I'm feeling right now." She confessed.
"I'm sorry that I didn't get in contact with you. I've been in the hospital all the time. It has been exhausting."
"It's okay. Don't worry. Seeing you like this it's what matters."

Silence for a bit. Sun Rui covered Zhang Duozi's hands with her palms in an act of affection.
"I couldn't go a day without thinking about you." She finally found the courage to confess.
Duozi gulped. Her heart was racing again. But she couldn't speak.
"Zhang Duozi, consider me crazy, but I wish I could erase every bad behavior towards you."
"What are you saying? You've never treated me badly."
"I did. Because it took me so many time to appreciate, how much you care for me. I was afraid to admit that you actually care for me and you seem to like me. I was afraid, because I've never felt so good with someone in my life so far."

Duozi looked at her and approached her.
"Sun Rui, you deserve being treated with respect and affection. I've told you before. And please, let me provide you with these feelings in the future too."
"I swear you're the nicest person I've ever met!" She said and burst into tears.

Duozi put her in her arms, holding her tight, trying to make her feel better. Their hearts could be heard beating during this moment of silence. Suddenly, Sun Rui popped her head out of the girl's hug and looked at her at a close distance. Duozi's eyes looked so shiny. Their faces were too close. With no hesitation, she did it. Sun Rui pressed her lips on Duozi's and another affectionate kiss happened. This time it was bolder. They both knew each other's feelings. It was a kiss of confirmation.

Duozi brought her hands around Sun Rui's waist and held her carefully. It was really happening. Sun Rui slowly pulled herself closer to Duozi. Now their bodies were attached. They could feel each other's heat. And the kiss was so soft and beautiful passionate at the same time.

Once they slowly draw themselves from the kiss, they awkwardly stared at each other.
"Sun Rui, may I ask you a question that I wanted to ask from the first day I met you?" Zhang Duozi gathered all the courage needed to say what she really wanted.
"Yes!" Sun Rui shyly responded.
"W-would you like to be my girlfriend?"
"Can I say something I've told you so many times before?"
"Huh? Yes?..."
"We'll see..."
Duozi felt nervous. Maybe it was too soon to ask suck thing. Then Sun Rui held the girl's cheeks on her palms and quickly left a peck on her soft lips.

"Yes, okay!"


The sun in my days | 孙芮 • Sun RuiWhere stories live. Discover now