Chapter 8

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    "Who's there?!" , Sen shouted and shocked on what she saw!

-Falshback ends-

     "Sakura?", Kondou asked worriedly. Sakura's been spacing out. She look at Kondou with a sorry expression.

"I am sorry if we push you.", Sannan said as he put a hand to Sakura's shoulder to help her ease her, which was repayed by a bright small smile.


"Ne, Heisuke!", Okita said in his lazy voice. They are still in the dojo with some injured man.

Heisuke turned to see Okita and said,"What?"

"It's weird this time, ne?", Okita said.

"You noticed it too huh?", Heisuke replied.

"Yeah.", Okita said. And a minute later, the rest entered their little chitchat.

"Say, it is really weird today!", Shinpachi exclaimed.

"And it seems like you enjoy it, while they are trying to kill us and our men.", Saito said.

"Ahahah! You know me Saito, I am not like what you think I am. I just love chalenge. ", Shinpachi exclaimed.

"Yeah, I think he was right. It is also a challenge for those new.", Harada agreed.

"For the first time, your brain works well!", Inoue said.

And a cheerful laugh roam the dojo.


"Young Master, is this really okay?", a man said.

"Haha! Of course it is! Let's leave it to her. Besides, she is just like us, hungry for revenge! AHAHAHAH!", A black fox said while sitting in a chair, built for a king


Sakura sit outside, staring at the sky. It was full moon. That round, big, white full moon. At that moment, Heisuke pass by when he saw Sakura. He hid himself and watches her, SLOW MOTION♥♥♥

The moonlight touches her pale skin. Her small figure shine above anything else. Her round brown eyes flickered at the moon's touch. Her hair sway in the breeze of the night. Her pink, soft lips slightly pated apart.


Heisuke flinced, and hid his blush. He turn his gaze back to the persons standing behind him, it was them with that creepy smile.

"W-What a-are y-you d-doing here?", Heisuke asked in a nervous voice. This makes the others smile big, and creepy when they found Heisuke is blushing!

"Are we must be the one who is asking you that?", Okita teased.

"What are you looking there, kid?", Shinpachi said and take a look. He saw Sakura in her beautiful inches under the light of the sky. He blush lightly and turn his gaze back to the group with a grin smile.

"It was Sakura!", he informed the other while Heisuke blush heavely.

"No it is not! I am just passing by until I saw her!", Heisuke explained. But that didn't work!

"I think you two look good with each Other!", Harada said.

"I agree with Harada. Maybe you should.... Um... You know what I mean right?", Inoue said while laughing.

"It is not like that Idiots!", Heisuke insist.

"Don't worry! We got your back!", Okita said.


"Who is that?"

The others cover Heisuke's mouth when they hear Sakura's smooth voice.

"Um, Is anybody on there?", Sakura said. She start to become nervous in every step she take toward the end of the hall. She just heard a shout a moment ago. But when she ask, no one answer. So she decides to check.

When she is near at the end, Okita's head appear. Shock!


Sakura scream and closes her eyes when suddenly, Okita's head popped out of nowhere.

She open her eyes when she heard a laugh. It was Okita's.

"Sorry, Sorry! I didn't mean tp scare you!", Okita said and start laughing again.

"It's okay..", Sakura said. Well, actually, it is not! What do you expect wity someone who saw a head pop out of thin air!

"What are you doing here anyway?", Sakura ask.

"Ohh! About that! Heisuke said taht he is telling you something!", Okita explained.

"Heisuke is here?", Sakura said.

Okita just nod and tell her to wait. And a few seconds later...


Heisuke shouted as he dash out and nearly lose his balance. Which is, really, lose his balance.and end up falling in a pond!


The others laugh and A pissed Heisuke stand up and chase them. Sakura chuckled at the scene with a perfect light of the moon above, that keeps it's light and hope in the middle of the cold, dark night.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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