Part 5

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A/N: Ok... so this gets a little unintentionally out of hand, but, like... why not. Who cares. It's all for the Sokeefe. (there isn't really any Sokeefe in this part. Sorry. Don't kill me. ;-;)

[After that]


Alden: Well, look at what we've got here? Hello Lady Foster!

Sophie: You know you don't have to call me that, right? It's kind of uncomfortable...

Alden: Nevertheless, we should respect titles. So, what brings you here Sophie?

Sophie *biting her lip and pulling out eyelashes*: I kinda wanted to talk about matchmaking again.

Alden: Oh? Sure, come to my office.

*as the move towards Alden's office, they see Fitz and Lihn*

Sophie: Hey Fitz. Hey Lihn.

Fitz and Lihn: *looking up* Hey Sophie!

Sophie: What are you doing?

Fitz: *points at the papers in their hands* Just casually pouring over our match lists. Nothing special.

Lihn: ... you put it quite mildly, Fitz. No, we're checking if we could be matched.

Sophie: Aw!!!! Why wouldn't you be? You're perfect!

Lihn: You know who would be perfect for you? Keefe.

Sophie: Hm? Uh... *speechless, little by little Sophie turns red* No! Why would you say that!?!

Fitz and Lihn: *looking at each other*

Fitz *transmitting to Lihn*: This poor oblivious child.

Lihn *thinking*: Yup. Feels bad.

Alden: Come on Sophie. We should get to my office so we can talk before you have to get back to Havenfield.

Sophie: Oh yeah! Um... See you guys later! *hurries away*

[at Alden's office, Everglen]

Alden: *taking a seat* So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?

Sophie: Well, you know how like, how I'm unmatchable?

Alden: Yes?

Sophie: Well do you think it would be possible to just... neglect matchmaking?

Alden: Hm... You do understand that matchmaking is for the benefit of elvin society right?

Sophie: I know, it's just, I don't wanna be single forever. *realizes what she said* That came out differently than I thought it would.

Alden *chuckles*: Well, I guess you could. But that would bring shame upon you and whoever you decide to choose. Just look at the disrespect Dex's parents had to go through.

Sophie: I know, but it worked out fine in the end right? Plus, it's not exactly like I'm a guaranteed bad match right?

Alden *choosing his words carefully*: If you are willing to sacrifice a lot, then the choice is up to you. But that's all the advice I have.

Sophie: Ok... Thank you. I should be getting back to Havenfield.

Alden: Come again soon!

Sophie: I will! Bye! *takes out her home crystal and vanishes*

[that night]

[Sophie's bedroom, Havenfield]

*Sophie sits on her bed and hugs Ella as she contemplates what to do next*

Sophie: What do I do? *she suddenly realizes something* Wait... Why am I so persistent on this when I don't even really have anyone in mind? The only person I ever really considered was Fitz, but like, that fell apart. So who could possibl- *sudden realization* No. No. Of course not. WHY? NO! Just.

*beware of loud reeing*


Sophie: *calms down* Why does my life have to be so complicated? *lies down and continues to contemplate* He probably doesn't feel the same. Nah... I could just be hallucinating. *closes her eyes to and tries to sleep* (Sophie, honey, you know that's not happening)

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