Part 12

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A/N: There are a few minor suggestions of... not kid-friendly stuff, but like, it's really minor. 

[15 minutes later]

[Dex's room, Rimshire]

Dex: He WHAT?

Sophie: I told you 14 times already! He brought me to a cave in Atlantis-

Dex: Yeah. I know that part. But he kissed you?!?

Sophie: *blushes* Just on the cheek, but yeah.

Dex: @#%$##@% *continues to say some very colourful words*

Sophie: Dex? Are you ok?


Sophie: Don't make me regret telling you.

Dex: Be glad that you came here, and not back to Havenfield, or else Grady's gonna have Keefe's head.

Sophie: *envisions a dead Keefe head resting on a silver platter* Yeah. You're right. Grady would probably go all mesmer on him.

Dex: *sniffs* You know, you make me jealous.

Sophie: Why?

Dex: Imma gonna be single forever! It's not fair.

Sophie: <(  ̄^ ̄)... Really? I'm still single.

Dex: Well then, I'm a virgin. *grins*

Sophie: *embarrassed* DEX!! STOP SUGGESTING THINGS!

Dex: I'm not, I swear!


Dex: What? *replays his words in his head* Oh. *starts laughing*

SOphie: *tries not to laugh* It's not funny Dex.

Dex: But it is!! *doubles over*s

Sophie: Stop. *still trying not to laugh* Stop. Dex. Stop. You're making me cry. *thinks* Hey, I thought you liked Biana?

Dex: No! Why would you think that? I just told you that I'm sad and single! Biana likes someone else!

Sophie: *intrigued* Who?

Dex: I can't say.

Sophie: Who?

Dex: I told you, I can't tell you.

Sophie: WHO? WHO?

Dex: *turns sharply* Sophie, when did you become an owl?

Sophie: Who does she like???

Dex: I can't tell you!!

Sophie: *reaches out to inflict Dex* Wanna bet?

Dex: *scared* Ok, ok! I'll tell you!

Sophie POV: *smirks* Works every single time.

Sophie: You were saying?

Dex: She likes Bangs Boy.

Sophie: She likes the who with the what?

Dex: Bangs Boy! She likes Tam!

Sophie: *sniffs* Mah baby girl's growing up... (lol no, jk)

Sophie: She likes Tam?

Dex: Yeah?

Sophie: And Tam likes her?

Dex: Well, I don't know.

Sophie: *sly smile* Well, then. I have the perfect revenge plan.

Dex: Whoa there. What did she ever do to you?

Sophie: *sniffs* She-she... she pushed me into the same ferris wheel cart as Keefe. *le sniffle sniffle*

Dex: (╬▔皿▔)╯ Ok... well, suits yourself!

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