Part 15

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A/N: It's a short one. Also, it's kinda deep. (Not that I could write anything deep) 

[2 days later]

[Biana's room, Everglen]

Sophie: I'm so sorry! Don't kill me. I still need to live!

Biana: Hey! I'm not gonna kill you! Like, sure, I'm mad at you for that little scheme. But you got me a boyfriend. So what's so bad about that?

Sophie: *relieved* Thank you for sparing me- *processes what Biana said* Wait! Did he ask? IT WORKED!

Biana: *blushes* Yeah. Plus. I can't kill you. You still need to live so Keefe can ask you out.

Sophie: *eyes widen* You did not just say that.

Biana: *batting her eyelashes* Oh, but yes I did. You do like him right?

Sophie: *tugs out an eyelash* I don't know! I think I do? But, I thought I liked Fitz, didn't I? Why does it have to be so confusing!

Biana: Ah... *smirks* Young love. Listen to your heart. Maybe you like Keefe in more than your mind.

Sophie: I never thought anyone would want to like me. You know, cause I was always the nerd, the loser, the know-it-all. I don't know what to do!

Biana: No one does until it hits hard. But, hey! At least you know that Keefe really loves you.

Sophie: He does?

Biana: *rolls eyes* When are you going to notice!

Sophie *mumbling*: what if I don't want to...

Biana: Why wouldn't you?

Sophie: *looks away* I don't know.

Biana: *sighs* You can't stall forever.

Sophie: Hey! I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to get a matching scroll! He probably doesn't want to be with someone that's unmatchable.

Biana: About that. Dad tried to talk to the councillors about your matching. But, it didn't really work. They just kept saying that matching was for the 'benefit of elvin time' and that 'they couldn't make such a big exception for just one elf'. Just loads of tosh.

Sophie: Biana?

Biana: Yes?

Sophie: You don't hate me for being unmatchable do you?

Biana: That, is one of the most idiotic things you have said. *hugs Sophie* We don't care about your status! You're one of the best elves around, some people are just blind.

Sophie: Thanks Biana.

Biana: Always. Plus, Keefe probably doesn't care.

Sophie: Really?

Biana: Isn't that up for you to determine?

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