Above the Shadows

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Smoke Filled Room by Mako ^
Warning Mature Content not suitable for people under the age of 18.

Once there was a girl who was invisible. No one could see or hear her. She wasn't a ghost; she was a living breathing person. Her invisibility was a fact she had to live with. That girl is me, Clarke Griffin.

My older half-sister, Raven Reyes was the pretty one. She was a brunette with tan skin, a gorgeous body, and honey brown eyes, which she got from her mother. Her mother died giving birth to her and our father Jake Griffin remarried to my mother Abby Griffin. She was a dirty blonde with fair skin and bright blue eyes. My little brother Jasper was the smart one. He had shaggy light brown hair, lightly tan, and green eyes. He looked like a younger version of dad. Then there was me the middle child. I had long bleach blonde wavy hair, bright blue eyes, and pale skin. The spitting image of both our parents combined.

My mother was clueless even though she had her head on her shoulders. She was the head surgeon of Jaha Hospital. She was brilliant in that aspect. Luckily there was dad. Dad was interested in everything. To him the world was filled with wonder and mystery, a puzzle to be solved.


"See look through that." My father said handing me a magnifying glass.
"Yeah, it's gears and cogs."
"I'm fascinated by the inner workings of how these objects make clocks work, always moving always on going. Time never stops." I look at my father's watch smiling at him. "That is the look that means I don't want to hurt his feelings but I'd rather be doing my artwork."

End of Flashback

When he got sick, I wasn't worried because they said the treatments were working. When I would accompany him, we would relax, joke, and laugh. One time I almost shot soda out of my nose from laughing so hard.

Then dad died and everything changed. Without him, I began to fade. It started at home.

"Raven, are you okay? You haven't eaten anything?" Abby asked concerned.
"I just can't have carbs. I'll puff up like a blowfish." Raven sighs as Abby tried to understand.
"Jasper? How's school going?"
"Fine." Jasper continues to play on his video game.
"That's great." Abby picks up her phone checking her work schedule.
"You didn't ask me anything." Clarke tuned in.
"What's that?" Abby glanced over at Clarke.
"Forget it."

Clarke walked up to her room seeing her name erased from the chalkboard hanging on her bedroom door. She rewrote 'Clarke's Room' in big bold letters before slamming the door shut.

And then it spread to other areas in my life. In class I raised my hand to ask a question and the teacher totally ignored me. By the summer I was totally gone.

"How come nobody woke me up?" Clarke walked in the kitchen looking at her siblings.
"Raven, would you stop for a second and look at me?" Clarke walks up to Raven blending a smoothie. "Ugh! Jasper, I specifically told you – hey!" Jasper walks passed Clarke putting his empty bowl in the sink.
"What I wouldn't give for a good night's sleep." Abby yawned holding a cup of coffee.
"Mom, Jasper and Raven are ignoring me again." Clarke whined.
"Where did I put your father's camera? Ah here we go." Abby looks through the junk drawer and finds an old Polaroid camera.
"Does nobody care that I'm going to be late for the first day of school?" Clarke looks around exasperated. "Mom!"
"Ahhhh!" Abby screams as Clarke grabbed her arm. "What the hell was that?" She looks around frantically. "Uhh, gotta capture the first day of school. Get over by the window." Jasper and Raven roll their eyes but oblige.
"It's gonna be backlit." Jasper sighs.
"It'll be perfect."
"I want to be in it too. Thanks for asking." Clarke grumbles. They all huddle together.

Above the Shadows - Bellarke AUWhere stories live. Discover now