Chapter 2

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Heads up, this chapter gets a bit graphic.

She reached over to turn the lamp off, but before she could close her eyes, a loud gunshot rang throughout the car...

Jo immediately bolted out of the bed, but she stopped before she could open the door Is it even safe? Jo thought before she made a mistake. "Screw it." She whispered to herself as she slid the door open. There were already several people making their way towards the commotion. When she stepped out of the cabin, someone collided into her back, knocking her forward. But before she hit the ground, a strong pair of arms caught her. The arms pulled her back up and helped her stand upright before moving away. Jo turned around, slightly embarrased, but became more embarrased when she looked at the familiar face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you, I should have been paying attention." Jungkook apologized. "You're fine, I wasn't watching where I was going." She responded. "Well I'm glad you're okay. I was worried that you were in danger." He sheepishy confessed. "No need to be worried, I'm a tough girl. Though, I am curious to know if that really was a gunshot, and where it came from." Jo stated, but before jungkook could speak she grabbed him by the hand and lead him towards the commotion. Her small frame weaved it's way through the forming crowd with ease, but he never let go of the young man she was dragging behind her. Who would have ever guessed that the future CEO of "Research Metric" would be dragging a stranger behind her, still in her pajamas, possibly leading them towards danger. The young girl couldn't deny that she enjoyed the thought of danger and mystery. As a young girl, she even wanted to be a detective.

Jungkook took notice of how the girl's hand felt in his. It was much smaller, but she held a firm grip, obviously not wanting to let go. Her hand was significantly colder than his warm, calloused hand. He was a head taller than her and probably weighed a lot more than her, but he allowed her to drag him like it was nothing. The sense of adventure and mystery hung over both of the like some crime show.

Eventually they made it to the next car over, where the crowd became much more dense, hunting that this was where the noise came from. Sounds of fear and screams rang throughout the car, obviously nothing good happened. The two young adults pushed their way towards a cabin door that many others were trying to get a peek into. Luckily, Jo and Jungkook managed to squeeze their way through and get a look inside. Jo felt her stomach in her throat, her heart began to beat at a much quicker pace, and her palms began to sweat, still in Jungkook's grasp. "What's wrong?" Jungkook asked, still behind the girl, unable to see. No words were able to escape Jo's lips, so she pulled him closer, allowing him to get a good look. The two of them stared in horror at the scene before them.

Blood splattered across the luxurious cabin. The lifeless body of an older woman sprawled out on the floor. A gun was placed in the woman's right hand, indicating that it was a suicide. "Shit." Jo whispered, looking to the young male beside her. An equally horrified expression etched onto his handsome features. The grip on her hand tightened, but she didn't mind. Any comfort would have helped the now nervous girl.

Neither of them could handle the sight anymore, so they made their way back to the other car. Jo hung her head in shame. She knew it wouldn't have been a pretty sight, and yet she selfishly dragged Jungkook, a stranger, with her. She couldn't help but feel guilty. "I'm sorry." Jo whispered to the man who was now dragging her instead. "It's not your fault. You couldn't have known." Jungkook reassured her, with a tight squeeze of her hand. Jo released a heavy sigh that had built up since she saw the poor woman. Who was she? Why would she kill herself on a crowded train? Did she even kill herself? All of these questions were running through Jo's brain. One question after another, but no answer could be formed.

The news of the death began to spread like wildfire. By now, it had probably reached some social media platform and it would for sure make the news soon. The staff had been trying to contain everyone, gathering them in the communal cars of the train such as the various lounges or dining cars. Jo never left Jungkook's side. Even though she barely knew the man, he was the only slightly familiar face on this train, so it was the best she could do. The two sat together on a small sofa, contained in the lounge. Unable to speak because of the shock. This is not what either of them had in mind when they wanted to see each other again. Many people in the lounge car were either too freaked out to say anything or they were causing a scene. Jo leaned over and rest her head against Jungkook's shoulder, looking for something that could provide her a sense of safety in this moment. He wasn't bothered by her action in the slightest. In fact, the even leaned his head against hers, looking for a sense of security as well. "Do you get the feeling that the lady didn't kill herself?" Jo asked. "What do you mean by that?" Her question confusing Jungkook, making him think. "Never mind." The girl just sighed and continued to keep her head against Jungkook's shoulder as the train began to slow down, coming to a stop.

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