The Beginning of the End

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For the next few days you were neck deep with responsibilities demanded by your business. Pleasing unsatisfied customers, training new employees and creating a positive atmosphere for newcomers was a balancing act. However, this is what you've always wanted. Reviews were going great overall and they loved your food. At the end of the day, this was your greatest accomplishment and you couldn't be happier.

"We did good today, got some new customers!" You beamed as you carried dishes to the back of the kitchen. Gently setting them down into the sink you began to run hot water over them.

"You did great, people seem really happy here." Poe came in after you, carrying a tray of dirty dishes littered with crumpled napkins. He was always your choice to close with, open with, work with all the time really.. You both sent the trainees home early since they were here all day, you decided it would be easiest to just close quickly without them.

"That's because I have a waiter who flirts with every woman here!" You snort, leaning against the running sink.

Poe was an attractive man and he had charm that many women could not resist. It doesn't help that he had wavy brown locks that sometimes fell down in front of his face in little curls, a sharp jawline that could cut glass and soft brown eyes. Women adored him everywhere he went.

I guess that's good for business here.

Sometimes he would spend 30 minutes chatting up cougars with bleach blonde hair and smelled like Chanel at the counter.

He was a hopeless flirt, but a good guy underneath it all.

"Hey! Not every woman!" He practically tossed his whole head back and laughed, "besides, some cutie slid her number to me today. Wrote it on the back of her napkin." Looking up from his hands he grinned at you, "do you think she reads Nicholas Sparks?" He took the flimsy paper cloth and waved it like a prize right in front of your face.

Cheeky bastard.

"Oh, please," Rolling your eyes you get to work on the dirty dishes, "we're closed now, you can play whatever you want." Shooing him away, he took out his phone and played music over the speakers throughout the restaurant then got to work on the tables out front.

You could hear him whooping and singing along in the room over. Smiling to yourself you sway to the music playing.

After organizing the dishes, preparing sauces, folding the utensils in napkins and sanitizing the kitchen, you were ready to go home.

What a long day , you thought as you took your hair out of the bun it was in and gently massaged your head from the tension. Tossing your apron on the bar, you sent lover-man home for the night while you lock up.


Rubbing your head, you walk up the gravel pathway to unlock your door. The wood creaked as you walked inside to a lonely and dark home. Crickets chirped outside, and as usual the moon lit up the sky, therefore your living room was quite bright. Grumbling, you throw yourself down on the entryway bench to take off your shoes.

Taking a moment, you leaned back on the bench as you run through your thoughts of the day. Closing your eyes, you wondered if you forgot anything or made small mistakes that may cause your business to go under. But alas, your thoughts only shifted through memories of people smiling, children excited about their pastries, Poe dancing and flexing his biceps at goggling women, your employees working hard but having a good time nonetheless.

Fluttering your eyes open and taking a deep breath in, you get up from the bench and make your way upstairs.

Approaching the steps, your body became rigid. No.

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