EA says I'm a sinful criminal and breaks my phone on Christmas Day

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Background: I'm (17F) a mixed girl (Caucasian-African American). I spend holidays more with my white side, since my black side lives an hour away. Ngl, I hate most of the white side of my family. They're dramatic, gossipers, rude, and some are kinda racist. I overall just don't vibe with most of them. All of these apply to my EA (entitled aunt).

This entire story happened Christmas of 2019.

We all stayed at a HUGE house that we rented out in the mountains of Tennessee for a week to celebrate Christmas. Everything was going well and it was fun, though I was kinda annoyed because of my EA being bitchy...

Christmas Day came. We finished eating Christmas dinner and most of my fam went out to the patio to go in the hot tub, drink, or talk. My cousin (kid of EA, 19F, named "M", VERY close to her) and I went upstairs into the room we shared. We were talking about girls (she's les, I'm bi), smoking a blunt, and having fun. During our smoke sesh, my gf calls. Keep in mind, she's from Côté D'Ivoire and speaks French natively (I learned when I was 12 and am now at a B2 level).

She was crying about how her parents are getting divorced and she doesn't know what'll happen. Keep in mind, we were both talking to each other in French as we do often. I'm comforting her, as I should.. Then EA walks in. She was trying to find something, even tho none of her stuff was in me and M's room. I kept talking to my gf and after some minutes, EA starts talking to me.

EA: Why aren't you speaking English, Eli?

Me: Becauseeee I'm talking to my girlfriend and her English isn't perfect.

EA: That doesn't mean you HAVE to speak Mexican.

Me: I'm speaking French, EA, where did you get Spanish, or Mexican according to you, from? It doesn't even sound the same, like, at all.

EA: Close enough, Eli! Don't back talk me, I'm your elder!

Me: Okay. But can you leave for a bit? My girlfriend is upset and it's important. We haven't seen any of your stuff in here, anyway.

EA: No! I want to find my phone and know why your girlfriend can't just speak English! This is America, not some poor country!

M: Mom, get out. Your phone isn't in here, it's probably on the table.

EA: No!

Me: EA. I'm trying to talk with M and console my girlfriend. I don't want you in here, if you're gonna be rude.

EA: Don't call me rude! You shouldn't even HAVE a girlfriend or be SMOKING! Being lesbian or whatever you are is a SIN and so is smoking pot! You'll go to hell if you keep acting up!

M: Not everyone is religious, mom. Get the hell out. You always ruin everything.

EA: You are my DAUGHTER, M! Don't back talk me! Now, Elliot, give me your phone right now!

Me: This is *MY* phone that *I* paid for. I'm not giving it, unless you have a reason.

EA: This is what's wrong with you people! You're rude, smoke, and are thugs! The only reason I love you is because you're half white!

I was shocked. While I was just staring at her, she ran up to me and took my phone. She THREW it against the wall and the screen cracked. Not bad, but still cracked.

Me: What the fuck? Do you think you can just parade around here and break MY shit? Get out!

EA: I'm breaking it, because it's all SINFUL! I will not stand by and let you do this! I don't want my niece to burn in hell!

M: Mom. This is why the family hates you. Get. Out. Now.

EA: Not until Elliot repents her SINS and apologizes for being rude!

At this point, I was smoking the blunt as fast as I could, so I could be high and not have to listen to her BS. However, my mom walked in, because she heard us fighting.

Mom: EA, what's happening?

EA: Teaching your daughter a lesson is what's happening!

Mom: She's my daughter. I discipline her, NOT you. What did she even do?

EA: She cussed at me for no reason, is being sinful, and she hit me when I told her to stop! Can you *believe* her?

My mom didn't believe her. M and I told her what really happened.

Mom: Really, EA? On Christmas of all times you could've picked?

EA: This is a day for Jesus! She shouldn't be being a lesbian, smoking, disrespecting her elders, and most of all disrespecting god! It's not ok!

Mom: You don't tell Eli what to do. She's damn near 18 and she's old enough to make her own decisions. You also aren't her mother. Get out of here!

EA: You're okay with this? It's disrespectful and sinful! Do you want her to be a disrespectful criminal?

Mom: Yeah, because I love her and she's a good person at heart, not disrespectful or a criminal! Stop spewing your bullshit to her when she's not religious and LEAVE.

EA: But- But-

Mom: Don't but me, EA. You've been bothering the family the ENTIRE week. I should whoop your ass right now for acting like this, but I don't feel like getting arrested on Christmas. Now, what you're gonna do is apologize and pay to get her phone screen fixed. Got it?

Now, my mom is VERY intimidating and EA (+ the rest of the fam) is always TERRIFIED when she's mad.

EA: I'm sorry, Elliot...

Mom: Good. Now, either stop being a cunt like you've always been and go outside with the family or go into your room.

EA: Okay..

A lot more was said in this, but this is the gist... Anyways, EA left and so did my mom. After all of that was settled, the rest of Christmas was really fun! Got super high, had a lot of laughs with my cousin, made my gf happy again, and played White Elephant. Pretty 10/10.

EDIT: Thanks for the gold, kind person! :)

EDIT: For the record, I learned French when I was around 12, but stopped when I got to a B2 level/when I was 13 for some personal reasons. I've been posting stuff about learning French, because of the fact that I stopped learning at 13, so I restarted actively trying to learn how to speak it at a C2 level about a month ago now

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