Chapter 2- Part 1, The Sea Monster

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Hey meh peeps! I know it was, like, 1 hour  ago since I've posted, but here's a fact about me: I get bored REALLY fast. So, it's only like 9:00 right now and I go to bed superrr late, so here's ye chapter!

                                          *Third Person P.O.V.... I think*

"WILL!!!" That was the first noise Will heard. 

               Will squeaked at the voice that sounded like it drank coffee all night. Of course Bill woke up Will up in 7 in the morning. "W-what do you want Bill?" sighed Will. Bill rolled his eyes. Why wasn't Will as excited as him in the mornings? "Wellll since you asked I have three things. One, It's the first official day of our new life. Two, I couldn't sleep last night, so I decided to study the journal all night. And last but not least three, I stole a newspaper-'' "Wait, you STOLE it?! I thought the newspapers were free!" "Shush, your interrupting. Anyway... I found this!" Bill shoved the newspaper in Will's face and mannered for his finger to point at an ad. "Human sized hamster ball?! The woods are dangerous enough!" Will exclaimed. Bill rolled his eyes. "No you dummy! The other one right next to it!"

         Will looked over to the ad next to him and saw one for a picture contest. It said whoever captured the best picture of a monster would win 1,000 dollars. "Do you know what we could do with that type of money?! We wouldn't have to shoplift anything! And actually get pajamas!" shouted Bill. "It says the deadline is this Friday. It's Wednesday, so we got about 3 days," explained Will. "And a plus about staying up all night is that I memorized almost about anything in the book, so I've already got a monster picked out!" Bill pulled out the journal to reveal a page titled: The legendary Gobblewonker. 

              "The Gobblewonker is a very dangerous sea creature that lives off of human flesh and blood. It has been cursed at the current moment, but it shall awaken in the year 2013,"  Bill read aloud. "It's perfect! All we have to do is ask Wendy if we can go find it, and still go if she says no, and win the photo contest! And as a bonus, we might find the town!"

They look at each other for a long moment until Will spoke up. "I-I don't k-know Bill... d-didn't the book s-say that that thing k-killed humans?" he stuttered. "Oh please, Mr. Stutters, we will be fine." Bill exasperated. "F-fine, bu we have to ask Wendy, and if she say no, t-then the answer is no," Will said. "Fine... let's take a shower then go find Wendy. We can skip breakfast," he agreed.

                                     -*# Time-skip cuz I'm lazy right now #*-

After they took a shower the twins headed out to go find Wendy.

"WENDY!!!" screeched Bill. Then a tall,young, and very fit figure appeared from out of no where.

 "Yo dudes, what's up!" she exclaimed.

 "WellwewerewonderingifyoucouldgowithustohuntsomethingdowncalledtheGobblewonkersowecouldwinaprizeof1,000dollars," explained Bill in one breath. (I'm not translating) Wendy somehow seemed to understand. "Hmmmmm, it seems like that would be a thing a responsible caretaker wouldn't want you to do.... well good thing I'm only a Guardian! Let's go!" she exclaimed. They stared through the forest then exited to a big town. "Hey, look Will, it's the town! How did we miss that?" Bill asked, now very confused. "C'mon guys, lets go get a boat!" Wendy told them. They followed her to a big crystal lake which seemed packed with people. Then an elderly couple appeared out of nowhere. "Hey look, it's t(e Spirt of the Forest and some cat people! Quick honey let's take a picture!" the male exclaimed. "Should have come with my disguise..." sighed Wendy. "Don't worry I got this," Bill sighed. 

   Just as the elderly couple got a picture, Bill hissed at them like a cat. "Quick honey, lets go before it gets the taste of flesh!" yelled the female. Bill looked down as they ran away. "I thought things would be a little different here," sighed Bill. "Aw man, I'm sorry dude. It must be though, having those kind of eyes," she realized. "I-it's fine, Wendy. People used to tease us back home so we're used to it," said Will, earning a hard gab in the stomach from Bill. Then they heard a new voice.

"Everyon' get out o' the lake! The Gobblewonker 'as returned! No one go to Succtlebutt Island!" shouted an old man wearing robe. Surprisingly, everyone listened. "Hey Red, who's that?" asked Bill. "Oh, that's Fiddleford MckGugget. He's a very wise prophet who has lost his marbles...slightly," she sighed. "W-well, at least we know where to g-go," pointed out Will. "Oh, yeah. Let me go rent a boat real quick," she said. When she got back, they head to the boat. "I call captain!" Bill called. "What! No fair!" complained Will. "He DID call it," reasoned Wendy. "Hey your supposed to be on my side!"

"It's 2 to 1, bro. Just accept the fact that I'm a better leader than you."

Hey guys! Man, that took longer than I thought. And sorry if that was a short chapter. Again, time limit and I'm very tired. I might or might not post a new chap, so gotta need this before my time runs out so bai!!!

- Da All Seeing Dorito

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