Arabella Callie Brooks is outgoing,fun loving, bubbly,friendly and the total package. She doesn't have much of a family but she doesn't let it break her. She was once broken but she still hides all the pain by not talking about it. When she meets CE...
I woke up to feel the warmth of my bed sheets and blanket. I sat up and looked around and finally noticed I'm still in my outfit from last night. Everything comes back to me and I recall all that happened.
I search for my phone and dial Em. Waiting impatiently but she doesn't answer so I call Adera and on the last ring she answers.
Adera; Hey sleeping beauty your up
Me; yeah I guess what happened last night
Adera; I knew you'd ask Nathan brought you home after you passed out from the lights going out
Me; OMG it must have been so embarrassing shit
Adera: hey calm down no one judged you we all have fears but it was really scary I thought someone had hit you or something.
Me; thanks for the update I'll go freshen up
Adera; sure thing hun bye
I swiftly make it to the bathroom and take a long shower. It calms me down and as I sit in the tub I touch my waist and I feel his hands still holding me it was a soft yet rough touch from him and to say I didn't feel tingles all over my body would be lying but he's my boss so we can only be friends.
By the time I'm done I head down stairs to find my mom cooking.
"Hey Mom what's cooking?" I ask as I peck her cheek.
" Nothing special just pasta. It's good to see you up Lara left to go shopping with her friends and the young gentleman who brought you home left in the morning." She says not turning to me.
We both stare at each other but she doesn't ask any questions apart from the job interview and I tell her about everything and she tells me about her work.
My mom and I get along pretty well and we enjoy each other's company. Lara comes back and we have dinner together while she talks non stop I guess we all bare that character.
The weekend goes by in a blur and soon it's monday. Guess it's time to start working. I put together an outfit of a long pencil skirt I really think it's cute I pair it with a white top and white heels I tuck in the top and head down stairs for breakfast.
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" Lara get down now you don't wanna be late for school do you?" I question her knowing she won't answer me since she hates mornings.
" Besides your friends are almost here hurry up" I say again hoping for a response but I get non so I rush up to her room and find her grabbing her bag.
" Good luck on your first day at work but I really wish I didn't have to wake up this early everyday" she moans as she gives me a hug. Only making me chuckle at her childish behavior.