Cabin (2)

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'Be Were out there.'

Coella rubs a spot on her right hip then unlocks her Jeep door. She lets a wolf dog out and walks to let the wolf dog relieve itself. "Lucan... let's go!"

Both get in the jeep and head to the base of the mountain. Coella keeps doing analysis on why she was so rude to Aizawa. He was decent looking but she was unsure of his age as his appearance could be making him look older than he was. She thought his eyes were beautiful but full of pain and rage.

That was it!

His intense eyes. Coella smirks, it was his eyes and the scar. She huffs and then smiles...a bad boy isolationist...go figure.

Marge's map is a good one and Coella reaches the Stanton cabin. The sun is setting and the sky is clearing to see the stars. The scientist does two trips with food and supplies. She glances to the sky and feels there was time to chop some wood.

Coella grabs a splitting maul. Her pistol is on her right hip and a Bowie knife on her left hip. The young woman has several blocks of wood split and was gathering it up when she senses eyes watching her. Lucan trots to her side and begins baring his teeth. He growls as Coella backs to the porch with wood in her arms. Her foot kicks the screen door open and she slips in, holding the door long enough for Lucan to get in.

Coella shoved the heavy wooden door, set the armful of wood and locked the heavy door. Her eyes noted symbols on the wrought iron hinges. They were runes...maybe the Jotunn thing was a good guess?

Coella builds a fire in a wood stove and go s to the kitchen to put food away. The cabin has small windows with shutters and a slot for firing a rifle. Okay, this is getting a little weird but she has seen some weird shit in her short life.

Werewolf hunters cabin?

Her eyes scan the walls and sees Native American weapons and artifacts. Great...more not so good clues.


"Fuck! A goddamn werewolf would probably be the easiest to kill and that sucks cock hard. Lucan why did I choose to come here again?"

Lucan just shakes his head and waits to be fed. Once settled in, Coella rests on a leather couch and is reading a smut book (oops...romance novel). She puts the book on her chest and rubs her eyes.

"Lucan...why do women want to be ravaged again? It's the polite word for rape but I changed my mind, part way through, because he's just sooo...Alpha and he's fallen in love with me."

Coella throws the book against the front door and heads to the bedroom, leaving a trail of shed clothes behind her. She is an ala naturale girl...less clothes the better and none is best of all. She often visited nudist beaches in Europe, Italy, Spain, Greece, you name it.

The young scientist yawns and climbs into bed. Lucan jumps up and settles above the covers to sleep with Coella. In the distance the girl hears wolves howling. Wolves had returned to Washington state, so it didn't cause her concern. Hey! She had a wolf hybrid cross and had encounters with wolves often that were amicable.

Sometime around 2 a.m. a loud thump on the bedroom wall, awoke Coella and Lucan up. She grabs her Colt pistol and a flashlight designed to be held for firing a pistol where she shined the light. The woman checks the cabin first but there is no breach, so she puts the safety on her pistol.

Coella sighs "Probably a moose or some kind of animal, Lucan."

Then faint sounds of footsteps are heard on the gravel road. Lucan growls with hackles up, then sniffs the air.

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