Oakley's Perspective

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It wasn't until Jaylinn left that the real stuff started happening. I still don't really understand why she had to leave, but Caspian assured me it was nescesary.

"So, um, what now...?" I ask, looking at Caspian, expectantly. "She's going to be alright, right?"

"Oh, I don't know--"

"You seem to know a lot of stuff about this place that you refuse to say." I interupt. He sighs.

"Yeah, well, I don't know what's going to happen to her, because I can't predict the future-"

"Yes you can."

"What do you mean...? I can't predict things after death. Besides, I don't predict stuff. I guess...I'm just told how people die." He says. This guy really comes in here, tells me and Jaylinn exactly how we were supposed to die, and then pull the 'well yes, but actually no.' I don't understand this guy.

"Oh. Makes perfect sense. I totally understand. 100%." I nod along, sarcatstically.

"Um, okay...anyway, Jaylinn's probably fine. All I did was lead her through a door with her worst fear on the other side. She should live...or I guess, not explode, or something. I mean, she definitely won't die. I'm sure of that." He explains coolily. I panicked.

I ran towards the door, but Caspian stopped me. He held my arm, as I tried to get my grip free. His yellow eyes started to glow for a second.

"I swear to god, Jaylinn. Get the hell out of here. I told you you desevered Punishment. If you think I give a damn whether you stay there or go someplace worse, think again." He barks angerly towards the door. I looked at him confused. What the—I don't know what he just did, but whatever it was, I don't like it.

"What...?" I ask him, quietly.

"Jaylinn was eevesdropping, obviously." So, apparently Jaylinn started eavesdropping, and Caspian just happened to know that. Because of course he did.

"And, um, how do you know that? Is she okay? And why did you have to be so harsh?" I demand desperatly. He releases my arm and takes a few steps back, I have absolutely no idea why.

"She's fine, it seems like. Although she probably won't be in like, five minutes. Oh, andI know that because I could sense her. Because, y'know, she was close. And annoying. I could sense her fear." He shruggs. I mean, not really in the order I asked, but okay, sure. I wonder if he can sense my fear. That does not bode well with me.

"So, um, again. why so freaking harsh?" I ask, glaring.

"Because I hate her. And because she's annoying. And because she's rude--"

"Okay, okay. I get it. You despise her. I mean, you should hate me more, considering I messed up everything, but it's fine." I fumble with my hoodie. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. I don't really wan't to be on his bad side. I mean, look what happened with Jaylinn.

"Nah. You're fine. You're just too confident those few times. You'll probably go to Paradise if I'm being honest." He smirked, gazing fondly at me. I looked back at him, trying to smile. He just made situations like these all the more awkward.

"Uh, well, um, anyways, weren't you supposed to be telling me how to like, leave this place, or something...?" I ask, changing the subject to the thing we were supposed to be talking about the entire time.

"Oh, yeah...well, basically, there's this guy named Sullivan, and um, they, like, own the place, like, Punishment, I guess. Or well, they're the heir to the throne, and um, they're literally the only person in the entierty of Punishement who can get you out. Or, well, them and Ilona. She's the heir of Paradise, though you probably won't find her." He explains. I didn't really understand, but I won't complain. It's fine. I also noticed how freaking much he stuttered. Like dude, it's fine.

"Wait. So, how are we supposed to find Sullivan. Or Ilona or whoever--"

"Oh. I don't know. They're usually wondering Punishment somewhere. Oh yeah, and I forgot you can't get to Paradise to find Ilona without Sullivan, so good luck."

"Thanks, I guess..." I mutter. "Can you help? Like, help me find them?" I ask him awkwardly. I don't really want his help, but it wouldn't hurt to know where to go, am I right?

"Oh...oh that would be great. Execpt that I have a 24/7 job, so I don't think that will work..."

"We've been talking for the past three chapters..."


Ya like my cliff hanger? ;D
Okay, but in all seriousness, sorry this chapter is kinda short but writing is time conssuming and I'm tired, and I also don't have anymore ideas to continue this chapter. Anyway, sorry if anything didn't make sense, but the whole, 'finding Sullivan' thing wasn't supposed to make a whole lot of sense, so just bare that in mind I guess. This chapter didn't take as long as some of the other ones, but it still took awhile, so sorry about that. Comment construtive critism, and anything you don't understand, and I'll try to explain best I can, (although you guys aren't really doing that) but anyways, I hope you enjoy, and I also hope you don't cringe that much...! And also, sorry most of the chapter is pointless nonesense that has no purpose, and I'm also sorry if the next chapter takes awhile to finish. And I'm sorry I'm so sorry about this chapter.

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