Chapter 17

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Riley's POV

The sound of laughter filled my parents' house as we laughed at the hilarious comment my brother made.

Today my parents had me,Nash my brother,Cameron and his mate Sarai over for a family day, just us like old times with the addition of our mates. We were currently looking through old photo albums reminiscing the memories.

I sat between Nash's legs while Sarai sat on Cameron's lap on the floor whereas my parents sat on the loveseat. Nash played with the loose strands of my hair that was in a messy bun. I turned to admire his handsome face. He had on a beanie which made him look even cuter. His intense blue eyes looked at me with adoration, i blushed as i heard his melodious laugh.

"Okay, lovebirds enough lovey dovey stuff, Nash check out this picture of RiRi as a baby." said Cameron.

I looked at the picture, it was me in a beanie when i was around 3 or 4. i was playing in the backyard in a snadobox and i had sand all by my mouth.

I laughed at the silly picture. Next to the picture was another picture of me in the treehouse my dad built for me and Cameron in the forest. something in the corner of the picture caught my eye though. It was HIM.

He was watching me since i was a baby. Thats scary. I tried to not let my fear show. I think my mom sensed it because she watched me intensely as if to say whats wrong. i mindlinked her telling her to meet me in my old bedroom.

I sat in my bed with my mom standing in front of me.

"He's watching me mom, he has been since i was smaller." i told her.

"Sweet, i know i always had a feeling that he was, babygirl you need to tell Nash about him we will be able to help you unlock your powers to the fullest and he will protect you." She said.

"I know mom, im just afraid to tell Nash." I said. 

"Tell me what?"

Badass Alpha vs Possessive Alpha = MATES // Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now