Chapter 3: Let's Meet Ume....

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|Nobody's P.O.V|
Zuku walked home by himself without Hana.

Normally he'd walk with someone but, everyone was busy.

Hana has a study session with friends, Nikko was at fencing practice, and Mariana had a family dinner which she could not be late for.

Zuku sighed and plugged in his music.

"Might as well be in peace while walking." He smiled to himself.

Something anyone rarley see's anymore besides Hana.

He pulled out his phone and scrolled threw pictures while walking.

Reimu on the other hand sighed as she rode the bus home.

He mother can be quiet protective when she chooses to be.

Especially when it comes to people she doesn't know.

All the older boys on the bus were dirty minded and talked about weird stuff and the girls didn't like Reimu very much. 

As the bus drove by though Reimu saw that same boy from yesturday again.

They locked eyes for a split second and Reimu's eyes widened.

"STOP THE BUS!" Reimu yelled. The bus driver stopped and looked around.

"What!? What's wrong kid!? Did I hit something!?"

"No. I just wanted to stare at that boy. I know him." The bus driver growled and pushed Reimu off the bus.

Zuku jumped and stared at the girl shocked.

"I-It's you...." He mumbled. "This yours?" "U-Uh...I mean I met her yesturday bu--"  

"Good! She can walk with you home!"

"What!? But why!?"

"This kid has been a pain in my butt since the ride started. She said she knew you, so you can walk her home. You do know her right?"

"Uhhhh---" "Yes! This my my big brother--Uhm..."

Reimu paused completly forgetting that she didn't know this guys name.

'Z' he mouthed.

"Z! His name is Z!" She smiled. "Alright...Z....You two take care now." "Yes sir!" Reimu smiled.

Once the hus driver drove off Reimu stared at the boy happily.

|Zuku's P.O.V|
"Wait, So let me get this straight....You followed me cause you had a....feeling...." I questioned.

"Yup!" The girl smiled, shoving fries into her mouth.

We were at a resturaunt cause as soon as she looked me with those bright eyes of hers....She got hungry.

I took her to a fast food place and got her a burger with some fries. I had myself a soda.

"I could've kidnapped you y'know. Just snatched you up out of know where. Hell, I could have poison that burger you eating right now."

"But you wouldn't~" She cooed.

"Oh? And why do you think that. You just met me and you make all of these assumptions about me."

"You just look like a nice person thats all." The girl giggled.

I sighed and wiped food from the corner of her mouth with my sleeve.

"You shouldn't trust people so easily kid. You didn't even know my name."

"Okie! Then let's introduce ourselves!" She stuck out her hand and flashed me a smile.

"I'm Reimu Aihara! And you are?" She smiled.

I shook her tiny hand a little shocked by her last name. "I-I'm....I'm Zuku Aihara. Z for short."

"Z? That's a funny name."

"You act like Reimu is normal too."

"Hey! It is normal!"

Just then we both heard a woman clear her throat as she stared at us.

"Uhm. Can we help you?" I glared. Her face brightened and she grabbed me.

"ZUKU!" She smiled. She hugged me tight plastering kisses all over my face.


The people in the resturaunt stared as Reimu continued to eat. She didn't even seem fazed!

The lady stopped when she saw her.

She dropped me and picked up Reimu, Kissing her nose.

"And little Rei~Rei! Look how big you've gotten! I haven't seen you two in forever! You look so different!" She smiled.

"Do we even know you?" I scoffed, grabbing Reimu's hand.

"Aw~! Your parents don't talk about me. I'm a little hurt. I know it can be awkward to talk about things that can lead to the divorce but come on! I'm offended!" She pouted.

We stared at her still waiting for an answer.

"Sorry~! Sorry~! Allow to me introduce myself! I'm Ume Aihara! Your parents parents!" She giggled.

|Reimu's P.O.V|
"Parents parents? What do you mean?" I questioned.

I saw Zuku's eyes widen as he stared at me.

"Parents....Parents..." He mumbled. "Reimu? Who's your Mommy?" He questioned.

"Oh! Uhm...My Mommy's Mei Aihara!" I stared at Zuku as his eyes watered. "Zuku?" I questioned.

He bent down to my level before hugging me.

"L-Little sister....Rei....I-I've missed you....So much!" He sniffled.

"I'm sorry?" I questioned.

"Of course you wouldn't remember me. Mother never told you about ne huh....I'm your big brother Reimu. My name is Zuku Aihara. My mama is Yuzu Aihara."

"Zuku..." I mumbled.

She sounds fimilar but I'm still confused. Just then the woman, Ume I think, smiled at us and ruffled Zuku's head.

"She never got a life where she could see both of her mama's love eachother hm?"

"No. A-And I regret everything I did that caused this. This life for Reimu. I never wanted them to split up! I-I didn't mean too...I-I wish...I could go back..."

He paused before Ume lifted him to his feet.

She kissed his forehead smiling.

"I want to show Reimu what that life was like. If you let me. I have something for you both. A limited time offer, you could say. But I need you both to meet me at this adress, okay?" She smiled, handing him a sheet of paper.

"How can we trust you?" Zuku glared, grabbing my hand and the peice of paper.

"I'm your grandmama. It's the law to trust me..." She smirked, walking away.

I looked up at Zuku as he looked down at me.

"So. Your my big brother?"

"Yeah. And your my little sister."


They stared at eachother before smiling.

They were in silence but it was a nice silence. Almost peaceful.

Authors note: Okay. So the next chapter will be this books last, and then the next book with be ALL about Mei and Yuzu meeting Reimu one more time before they have to leave her for good.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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