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Him: My god that's awful.

Me: *glares at you* Really? I could drop you ya know.

Him: Oops I'm sorry, speaking of which what's your name anyway?

Me: Oh my bad, *puts my hand out to you* Hello, I'm Blake and king of the underworld.

Him: Well, I'm Hunter *shakes your hand* it's nice what you did with the place by the way.

Me: Haha, My Father left it a mess when he handed over the thrown.

Hunter: That's gotta suck buddy I'm Sorry.

Me: Buddy?

Hunter: Would you rather be called something else?

Me: No no it's okay, but what is the meaning of a Buddy?

Hunter: You honestly don't know what a Buddy is?

Me: Well no, we do what the king says and until recently I did to.

Hunter: Do you even have friends?

Me: What's that?

Hunter: Well a friend is a person who sticks with you through thick and thin no matter what, they are always there for you.

Me: O-oh...I've never had one before.

Hunter: Really?

Me: Nope, a lot of people hate me.

Hunter: Why, aren't you their king or something can't you sentence them to hellfire or something along those lines?

Me: I can, but I refuse. I try to be a nice person. There are a lot of people that God will not allow into Heaven *whispers "talk about high standards"* So even though I'm king, I stand at the gates of hell to determine rather they should be punished or rewarded.

Hunter: Isn't that God's job though?

Me: It's supposed to be but he doesn't do it anymore so I do it, besides I don't want to be evil like my old man.

Hunter: So you want to be nice?

Me: I am nice.

Hunter: That's odd......

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