Let's get started!

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Hunter: *Finishes eating* Blak-

Me: *off in the distance* Yes?

Hunter: I'm done eating Buddy

Me: *walks over to you* Ready?

Hunter: Ye- WAIT! READY FOR WHAT EXACTLY!?!?! We are on an ISLAND!!!

Me: *laughs* Thanks for stating the obvious silly :)

Hunter: What do you have planned?!??!

Me: Well, I suppose you can't fly with your wings yet so hop on.

Hunter: *hesitates* hmm...okay..*gets on*

Me: Hold on

Hunter:*grabs a hold of you* I'm re-

Me:*takes off*

Hunter: *yells*AAAhhhaahahahahahhhhAHAHHAHhAHHA

Me: My ears *Covers my ears*

Hunter: I'm sorry Dude

Me: It's okay Man.

Hunter: I didn't  realize I was that loud my bad...

Me: *Mumbles something*

Hunter: Excuse me?

Me: Sorry I said something sarcastic that's all...I'm an asshole and I love getting peoples reaction

Hunter: Now I'm curious as to what you said.

Me: Not sure if you want to know...

Hunter: It can't be that bad

Me: *Lands* Oh really?

Hunter: *Gets off* Yeah

Me: I said you could probably scream louder if you really wanted to.

Hunter: *A little red faced* I-

Me: It was a joke I flirt with everyone don't take it too serious

Hunter: You- Did you just-

Me: Yes, yes I did


Me: Come on we got some exploring to do! *Opens the Castle doors*

Hunter: *Amazed* WOW

Me: I know right it never gets old, Come on let's get started!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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